. Which Documented Essay Topic Is Best Organized By Placing Details In Chronological Order?
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Marketing - 730 Words
Explain why the market oriented philosophy is so important. The phrase market-oriented is used in marketing conversations as an adjective describing a company with a marketing orientation. Market orientation more describes the companys approach to doing business. Market-oriented defines the company itself. If a company is market-oriented, its board and executive leadership believe that the best way to succeed is to prioritize the marketplace above products. This usually goes over well with customers, but the company also must have adequate research and development to provide what the market wants. Hence, a market-oriented organization is one whose actions are consistent with the marketing concept. Difference Between Marketing†¦show more content†¦According to the American Marketing Association definition, Marketing is â€Å"an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders Studies show that the marketing planning process is a logical process consisting of analyzing marketing opportunities, selecting target markets, designing marketing strategies, developing marketing programs, and managing the marketing effort. Hence, the market oriented philosophy is so important because it shed more lights on the importance of the marketing role instead of other philosophies roles such as in product, selling, and production concepts. The marketing concept specifies that the main task of the company is to determine the needs, wants, and preferences of a target group of customers and deliver customers’ satisfactions to generate customer satisfaction and long-run customers’ relationship and gain more profits to the organization. Now, more organizations and firms domestically and globaly started to recognize how marketing contributes to improved performance in the marketplace. References: 1- Kotler, P., amp; Keller, K, L. R., (2008). A Framework forShow MoreRelatedMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing966 Words  | 4 Pagesreflect back over these last five weeks I now have a clearer view of marketing and how it affects not just the consumers of the world and the companies with their marketing managers, but how it affects me. Yes, I am a consumer who clips coupons, budgets my finances, and looks for sale items and this marketing class has taught me that marketing is more than selling or advertising. Marketing managers have a difficult job, as marketing involves identifying, meeting and satisfying the needs of customersRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing1486 Words  | 6 Pagesthis day and age, marketing plays a pivotal role in the business environment. Marketing is dynamic, complicated and challenging. The basic concept of marketing is to identify the need of human and society, and research how to satisfy and create those need. According to American Marketing Association (AMA), defining that marketing is the processed activity which communicate and exchange valuable offerings to customers (AMA, 2013). To be more precise, the main mission of marketing is choosing targetRead MoreMarketing Concept Of Marketing : Marketing1651 Words  | 7 PagesMarketing concept Marketing plays a major function in any business organisation. The essence of marketing is about designing and managing a product and generating exchanges of value from where both the customer and the organisation can attain benefits. Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large (Solomon, Marshall Stuart, 2009, p.13). MarketersRead MoreMarketing Functions Of Marketing And Marketing1229 Words  | 5 Pagestrends, the marketing function is used as a measure in the business-to-business practice, to capture and place varied products in a market place (Kono, 2004). A typical market function provides details regarding the planning, information, product distribution, consumer support, risk taking, financing, and standardization and grading amongst other things (Makloof and Sundberg, 2006). In business a market function acts in respect to the corporate marketing, strategic marketing, field marketing and analysisRead MoreMarketing Concept Of Marketing And Marketing1413 Words  | 6 PagesMARKETING CONCEPT Marketing is an act of promoting and selling products or a service, this also includes marketing research and advertising. The marketing concept is the philosophy used by companies to analyse the needs of their customers so they can be better than the competition. As well as this they must also take into consideration the companies capabilities and the environment it is working in, as they can face the pressures of environmental changes. By using the marketing concept companiesRead MoreMarketing Orientation : Marketing And Marketing1450 Words  | 6 Pages A wide range of companies today prefer to adopt the marketing orientated approach to sell their new products rather than using product orientation before.In fact,marketing orientation also helps such companies to earn more profits in the long time.According to Jobber and Ellis Chadwick (2013),marketing orientation focuses on customers need as the primary drivers of organizational performance.However,this is not always the case. Product orientation still be used by some senior executives and thisRead MoreMarketing : Marketing And Relationship Marketing Essay1359 Words  | 6 PagesIntegrating Marketing With the shift in the external marketing environments, Apple has also shifted its marketing strategy. It personalizes marketing through experiential marketing and relationship marketing. â€Å"Experiential marketing promotes a product by not only communicating a product’s features and benefits but also connecting it with unique and interesting consumer experiences†(Strategic Brand Management, P. 181). Customers can easily experience a sense of community every time they walk in intoRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing1770 Words  | 8 PagesWhat is Marketing? A plethora of individuals seem to be misinformed about marketing. Several of these individuals believe that marketing is just advertising. Others will tell you that marketing is all about sales, insinuating that all marketers are just salesmen. Now these beliefs are both right and wrong. â€Å"How can they both be right and wrong at the same time?†you may be asking yourself. Well they are right, because marketing encompasses both advertising and sales. They are both wrong by assumingRead MoreMarketing Mix Of Marketing And Marketing1001 Words  | 5 PagesIn The cutting edge world of marketing dated back in the late 1950s, the four Ps were called the marketing mix, meaning that a marketing plan is a mix of four components. A company who has adopted 4P approach focuses on product, whereas company who has adopted the value approach focuses on value to the consumer. One of other marketing mix is the Value approach. This approach concentrates on delivering value to the consumers or customers, the 4Ps approach is evidently concentrated not on customersRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing And Marketing1878 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Marketing research is the process that associates the consumers, customers, and end users to the marketer through information  information used to classify and describe marketing prospects and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and development understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research identifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Critical Thinking Assignment On Buddhism - 777 Words
Spencer Zindel 11/23/14 APOL 104 Professor Ross Critical Thinking Assignment Part One: Buddhism †¢ The Question of Origin- For Buddhist, the question of Origin is one that cannot be answered. Buddhist believe that there is no beginning or end of the world. Buddhist do not have an answer for the question of Origin. They simply accept that everything came to be just because. †¢ The Question of Identity- One big belief in Buddhism is reincarnation, which is the idea that you are given new life after you pass away. With reincarnation, you may be reborn many times. Buddhist believe that life cycle to be birth, living, death, and rebirth. Buddhist also believe in the concept of Nirvana, which is a state of freedom and liberation from suffering. †¢ The Question of Meaning/ Purpose- The main purpose in life for Buddhist is to end all suffering. The Buddha was said to have taught that humans suffer. The reason for humans suffering is because we continue to pursue things that will not have lasting happiness. A few of the things that humans continually try to pursue that do not give lasting happiness are material items, health, and friends. The Buddha did say that these things will give some happiness, but will eventually end and cause more sorrow. Buddha also had Four Truth’s: Suffering is life, desire causes suffering, to stop suffering you must first stop desire, stop desire with the Eightfold Path. †¢ The Question of Morality- Buddhist follow the Five Precepts for morality. The firstShow MoreRelatedApol 104 Critical Thinking Assignment Essay926 Words  | 4 PagesCritical Thinking Assignment APOL-104 June 25, 2012 Critical Thinking Assignment PART ONE: The Question of Origin In Buddhism, they do not teach nor do they believe that there is an all-powerful God that created the universe. They look to Buddha, the religion’s founder, for a model of how to behave. In the Buddhist view, the universe is infinite in both time and space and the universe is created and destroyed over and over again in a process we call natural evolution. The Question ofRead MoreEssay Apol 104 Critical Thinking602 Words  | 3 PagesJesus Lopez Apol 104 Week 6 June 25th, 2012  Critical Thinking Assignment A prince named Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) founded â€Å"Buddhism†in the sixth century before the birth of Christ. Buddhism is better understood as philosophy rather than a religion and follows the concept of the Four Noble Truths and the Eight Fold Noble path. Part I - Analysis of Buddhism 1. Origin – In the Buddhist Worldview, life and the world have no beginning or end. â€Å"There is no reason to suppose thatRead MoreThe Principles of Buddhism1261 Words  | 5 Pagescondition is met. In addition, many of us are constantly thinking about our future dilemmas or past experiences, making it difficult to focus on actually living and enjoying the present moment. 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Some of the major values and practice of Thai people include the self-control, the non-confrontational attitude, and respect, etc. A second religion that has considered for this assignment is the Omani culture that has based on various subsect believes or groups of Islam that can know as the Ibadhism,Suni and the Shia, etc. thus, the Islamic festivals and traditions and values are very much important to the Omani culture. At lastRead MoreA Critical Thinking Exercise : The Role Of Religion During World Civilizations3861 Words  | 16 Pages Critical Thinking Exercise: The Role of Religion in Early World Civilizations Name Stephanie Trent_________ Students will complete this critical thinking exercise in history as a â€Å"thought paper,†but will identify sources for their answers. Students can use the textbook and class notes for sources, but can use other sources. This exercise is in the form of a â€Å"short answer format.†This must at least be six full pages, but can be longer if needed. Students are expectedRead MoreAnthropology : Cultural And Social Formation Of Gender And Ideas About Gender2379 Words  | 10 Pagesthe belief that there is two separate worlds for each gender. a. The assignment of this dichotomy and the understanding of prestige, status, and the meaning of power between women and men may simply be skewed. i. This occurs by the definitions of these concepts utilized by ethnographies compiled by Western observers’ interpretations. ii. This assertion presents a need to shift focus away from shared experience of women to a critical analysis of differences among them. III. Chapter 4. (229 words)
Monday, December 9, 2019
Online Higher Education Universities in the United States
Questions: (a) Provide a descriptive analysis of the two variables (e.g., mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum). (b) Develop a scatter diagram with retention rate as the independent variable. What does the scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between the two variables? (c) Develop and estimate a regression equation that can be used to predict the graduation rate (%) given the retention rate (%). (d) State the estimated regression equation and interpret the meaning of the slope coefficient. (e) Is there a statistically significant association between graduation rate (%) and retention rate (%). What is your conclusion? (f) Did the regression equation provide a good fit? Explain. (g) Suppose you were the president of South University. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? (h) Suppose you were the president of the University of Phoenix. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? Your report need to be structured as follows: 1. Purpose 2. Background 3. Method 4. Result 5. Discussion 6. Recommendation Answers: 1. Purpose of the study: It has been pointed out that during the last few years, the higher education sector in the USA has undergone through a significant alteration in its market place due to the momentous growth rate of online universities (Bekker and Kleibergen, 2001). Though certain growth is there, in terms of proportion of graduation rate as well as the proportion of retention rate has significantly fluctuated during this time frame. It is generally considered that higher the retention rate means the university will evidence higher graduation rate. Under such circumstances, any fluctuation in terms of graduation rate as well as retention rate turns out to be a major concern for the online universities (Kamath, 2009). Now, if the recent economic trend has been considered here, then it can be found out that the organizations are experiencing cut-throat rivalry, whether they are belonging in a specified industry or stayed in different industry. The revelry exists here mainly because of the fact that they intended to go ahead in order to gain the competitive advantage (Kim and Chambers, 2011). Under such circumstances, an in depth economic analysis is required by the online education providing universities so that they will able to comprehend the recent market trend with considering the two major factors graduation rate and the retention rate. 2. Background of the study: Over the time frame as the online universities in the USA are experiencing significant fluctuation in terms of retention rate as well as gradation rate. Since, the retention rate significantly influence the proportion of graduation rate in each universities, it is become essential to understand such fluctuation in the both variables have any significant impact on overall performance of the online universities or not. Under such circumstances, this study is aimed to assess this particular scenario based on these to variables and for that a sample of 29 online universities in the United States were considered here. Data related to these two variables are assorted in terms of percentage. Here, particularly it is intended to assess whether the influence of the retention rate over the graduation rate for selected universities in against the target population has been changed or not. 3. Method followed: Since, the objective of the study is to measure the effect of retention rate over graduation rate for the selected online universities; it is become apparent that analysis through statistical tool will be appropriate here (HaÃÅ'ˆrdle and Simar, 2012). So, it can be said that basically this study followed a descriptive research design, where mainly secondary data related to both the variables will be assessed here using statistical apparatus. Now, it is also the fact that execution of any statistical study primarily necessitates a descriptive analysis for the reason that it will help to employ inferential statistical tool in more effective manner. Under such circumstances, a brief descriptive statistical analysis has been executed here using statistical parameters like mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum (Gionis, 2013). Next, the study followed in depth inferential analysis using multiple regression models. In this context, it is noted that executing any statistical analysis both in terms of descriptive study or inferential study, various instruments like SPSS, Excel, etc were employed by the researcher. Here, the study mainly utilized the Microsoft Excel to do every calculation. Thus, it can be said that the study follows the below mentioned steps: Step 1: Descriptive analysis of graduation rate and retention rate; Step 2: Scatter diagram of graduation rate and retention rate; Step 3: Multiple regression as inferential study; The below mentioned section provides details of the results found following the above mentioned three steps. 4. Results: Calculation of descriptive statistics: Retention Rate (%) Graduation Rate (%) Mean 57.41379 Mean 41.75862 Standard Deviation 23.24023 Standard Deviation 9.865724 Minimum 4 Minimum 25 Maximum 100 Maximum 61 Count 29 Count 29 Table 1: Descriptive statistics Scatter diagram of graduation rate and retention rate with retention rate as the independent variable: Figure 1: Scatter diagram of retention rate and graduation rate Multiple regression analysis: Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.670 R Square 0.449 Adjusted R Square 0.429 Standard Error 7.456 Observations 29 Table 2: Regression statistics table ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 1224.286 1224.286 22.022 0.000 Residual 27 1501.024 55.593 Total 28 2725.310 Table 3: ANOVA table Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 25.423 3.7463 6.7862 0.0000 17.7362 33.1096 X Variable 1 0.2845 0.0606 4.6928 0.0001 0.1601 0.4089 Table 4: Summary table 5. Discussion Here, the researcher provides detailed discussion of the results founds from the analysis. Description of all the aspects was mentioned below in a sequence manner. Referred to the table 1 as mentioned above in the result section, it can be said that the table provides brief of the descriptive statistics related to both the variables. From this table, the mean of retention rate is found as 57.41% and the mean of graduation rate is found as 41.76%. Since, the mean is the measure of central tendency; it can be concluded that all the selected 29 universities experienced more than 50 percent retention rate, which means over and above half of the student who got admission in the respective universities in several courses, are staying with the universities till end of their study. Again, the results mentioned in the table 1 also indicates that the average graduation rate of these selected university remain below the 50 percent, which means each year, the number of students who graduated from their respective universities are lower than half of its student got admission in various curses (Kobayashi, Mark and Turin, 2012). If the standard deviation is being considered as here, then it can be said that the standard deviation mainly explores the deviation of data from its average value (Montgomery, Peck and Vining, 2012). So, if the current context is taken into account, then the results shows in table 1 indicates that the retention rate of the selected universities experience more deviation in against the graduation rate of those universities. This indicates that retention rate fluctuated more frequently than graduation rate. Finally, the results shown in table 1 in terms of minimum and maximum statistics, it can be said that the spread of data related to retention rate is more than the spread of graduation rate. In case of retention rate, the minimum value is 4 %; whereas the maximum value of this variable is 100 %. Therefore, the spread of retention rate is 96 %. On the other hand, the maximum value of the graduation rate is 61 %; whereas the minimum value is 25 %. Therefore, the spread of this variable is 36 %. Hence, it can be said that the retention rate is fluctuated almost double to graduation rate. This also supports the conclusion regarding deviation of the results drawn from standard deviations. Figure 1 mentioned in the above result section provides the scatter diagram of graduation rate and retention rate with retention rate being the independent variable. It is the fact that explanation of findings found from the scatter plot requires understanding of four important aspects such as direction, form, strength and outliers. Under such circumstances, the scatter plots as drawn in the above result section related to retention rate and graduation rate with retention rate being independent variable are discussed here in terms of these four aspects: [a] Direction: Mainly two types of directions are explained while discussing the direction of the scatter plot, such as positive direction and negative direction. Here, the positive direction indicates that larger values of the category variable will be associated with larger value of response variable. On the other hand, negative direction means larger values of the category variable will be associated with smaller value of response variable. In this context, since the larger values of the category variable [retention rate] are associated with larger value of response variable [graduation rate]; the scatter plot indicates a positive direction. [b] Form: On the basis of form, any scatter diagrams are segmented as no association, no linear association, linear association and perfect linear association. In this context, assessment of the scatter plots between retention rate and graduation rate, a linear association is found here. [c] Strength: According to strength, any scatter plot can be segmented as Zero correlation (r = 0 or near to zero); Weak correlation (-0.35 r +0.35); Moderate correlation (-0.35 r -0.55, 0.35 r 0.55); and Strong relation ( 0.55 r 1) Therefore, in this context, the scatter plots between retention rate and graduation rate shows a moderate association. Finally, the scatter plot is explained here as the moderately positive linear correlation. Here, the regression equation is as follow: Graduation rate = Intercept coefficient + coefficient of retention rate * retention rate Using the results shown in table 2, 3 and 4, the coefficient of intercept is 25.423 and coefficient of retention rate is 0.2845. So, the estimated regression equation becomes Graduation rate = 25.423 + 0.2845 * retention rate The slope of a line is a dimension of how manyunitsit goes up as well as down for each unit is change to the right.Slope of any line can be zero, positive or negative (Pardoe, 2012). Here, if the slope is negative, it means the correlation between entry price and week is negative and positive means there is a positive relation between entry price and week. From the table 4, the value of the intercept is found as 25.423. It indicates that the expected mean value of graduation rate will be 25.423% if the retention rate is being changed to 0%. Again, from table 3, it is noted that the value of coefficient of determination is 0.449. This is a precise parameter which provides details about the goodness of fit of the regression model. It is noted that any value of coefficient of determination near 1 means the estimation is appropriate, whereas any value below 1 means estimation is not efficient enough to predict the graduation rate on the basis of retention rate. Under such circumstances, it can be said that there is a 44.9% chance that the estimation will be accurate. However, the model is not a good fit. Therefore, it is concluded that the provided data is not effective one to estimate the graduation rate with the help of retention rate. Therefore, more review is necessary to predict this specific case. Under such circumstances, if the case scenario of the South University is being considered here, then it can be found that here the retention rate is 51 %, however, the graduation rate reach to 25 %. This would indicate that almost 50 percent of the student, the university is being able to retain are graduated in their specified subject. Since, the overall findings obtained from the study also indicates that same association, in this specific case, it can be said that being the president of South University, no concern is there regarding the performance of this university in against the other online universities (Sprinthall, 2012). Right at the same time, if the circumstance of the University of Phoenix is being considered here, then it can be found that here the retention rate is 4 %, however, the graduation rate reach to 28 %. Though, this indicates the graduation rate is far better than the retention rate, in specific, there is no valid conclusion can be drawn from these two figures (XUE, 2010). In addition to this, it can also be concluded that such information is also largely deviated from the results obtained in the study. Hence, under such circumstances, it can be said that being the president of the University of Phoenix, a concern is there regarding the performance of this university in against the other online universities. 6. Recommendations: The study experienced a moderate positive correlation between retention rate and graduation rate, which further explores that the regression model cannot be considered as the best fit. So, there is an indication that graduation rate might influenced by other variables associated with the online education providing universities such as quality of education, facilities etc. Therefore, to reach into a meaningful conclusion regarding both the variable, other variables also needs to be take care of while establishing the multiple regression model. References Bekker, P. and Kleibergen, F. (2001).Finite-sample instrumental variables inference using an asymptotically pivotal statistic. Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute. Gionis, A. (2013). Data Analysis.Data Science Journal, 12(0), pp.GRDI13-GRDI18. HaÃÅ'ˆrdle, W. and Simar, L. (2012).Applied multivariate statistical analysis. Berlin: Springer. Kamath, C. (2009). Application-Driven Data Analysis.Statistical Analysis Data Mining, 1(5), pp.285-285. Kim, G. and Chambers, R. (2011). Regression Analysis under Probabilistic Multi-Linkage.Statistica Neerlandica, 66(1), pp.64-79. Kobayashi, H., Mark, B. and Turin, W. (2012).Probability, random processes, and statistical analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Montgomery, D., Peck, E. and Vining, G. (2012).Introduction to linear regression analysis. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Pardoe, I. (2012).Applied regression modeling. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Sprinthall, R. (2012).Basic statistical analysis. Boston: Pearson Allyn Bacon. XUE, L. (2010). Empirical Likelihood Local Polynomial Regression Analysis of Clustered Data.Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 37(4), pp.644-663.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The cuban mile Essay Example For Students
The cuban mile Essay Latin American SocietiesBook reportThe Cuban MileThe Cuban Mile, written by Cuban native Alejandro Hernandez Diaz, is a story about two Cubans who set sea for Miami in hopes of finding more successful lives. The author writes as if he was one of the refugees, and we are reading his journal entries. The journey lasts seven days, with obviously many entries per day. The entries are categorized by how many miles these two men have traveled by that point. The narrator and his brother in law are on their way to meet Cynthia, who is the sister of one and the wife of the other. She was awarded the opportunity to study in America and believes her loved ones can enjoy greater success in a capitalist society. Each man has his own reason for leaving his country; the narrator, only 20, wants to be a painter and feels no ties to his family or country, while his brother in law, 28, is a sailor and wishes to reap the riches of America. It really is unclear as to why the narrator would risk his life to leave Cuba, the only apparent reasons are his isolation from his family and his desire to be with his sister, who has faith in him and believes he can be a great painter in the United States. Obviously, his brother in law wishes to be with his wife, while he has dreams of sailing yagts living in excess. Neither likes the other all too much, they seem to have sincere contempt for each other as they are actually quite opposite and dont understand one another much. The sailor is the macho, right wing type, while the painter has an effeminate, artistic flair to him. Along the trip, Commodore, as hes called by the narrator, attempts to pass the time with chatting, while the narrator prefers to read the books he brought along. Occasionally theyll interact, swaying between playful poking fun and long monologues that the other doesnt listen to. The goal of these two refugees is to be picked up by the United States Coast Guard and be brought back to American soil. On the fifth day, the s ee another ship, but its not that of the Coast Guard. Commodore paddles ferociously, so as to not be seen by what he perceives to be a Cuban vessel. To loose weight and travel faster, he instructs his partner to toss over his bag of books. The narrator, torn over whether or not to make such a sacrifice, accidentally throws over their water supply in his confusion. As they slowly dehydrate and become sicker, as storm comes through, and this is all the Commodore can take. He lets himself get thrown into the ocean, where he presumably drowns. By the next day, the narrator himself dies, and his corpse flows along in their boat. We will write a custom essay on The cuban mile specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I personally did not find this book to be entertaining at all. Towards the end I found myself pushing along faster, but my motive was not curiosity to see what happens caused by literary suspense, it was impatience to finally get this assignment over. Im assuming that, although perhaps not entirely, the story was supposed to be somewhat humorous, because I could find little substance to it, but I found all the little rants of the narrator to be quite annoying. Speaking about the Commodore once in Miami, he says Smile, smile you bastard and enjoy the mediocre ideal of sipping Coke and Bacardi while you sit at a bar in Little Havana trading lies with Sylvester Stallone. Im sure its well within the character of a young aspiring artist, struggling and forming his thoughts and beliefs, apparently the black sheep of his family, to be bitter and ridicule or question everything around him. My problem is, I couldnt figure out what the point was- if I or anyone else wanted to the rants of a co nfused mind, all we have to do is think back to the weird, misunderstood kid in high school. If we do that, we remember why not many people liked him. Its one thing to be or relate to that kid, we all have a little of that in us, but its another to take his diary and publish it, thinking it would make a good book, whether hes on an adventurous journey or not. If there were other insights in the book, at least one other voice, or even a purpose, then Alejandro Hernandez Diaz would have the makings of a possibly good book, at least unique and hopefully interesting. I think what left such a sour taste in my mouth was that occasionally it would seem like he was on the track to making some kind of point, or even simply giving me a meaningless chuckle, but every time he would cut short and move on to a completely different idea. If the book was to be just a typical drama, then the characters would have to be developed much more for the reader to care about their fate or their ideas and op inions. Im really just lost as to what the authors agenda was. On the back it talks about the study of the psychology of risk and desire. All I got out of it along these lines was how the pain was so unbearable (the tens of pages of sheer whining might have been my biggest pet peeve) that he had to resort to sleeping pills as an escape from his hyper imaginative mind. While the risk is obvious, due to poor character development Im not sure what their desires even were. There is very little background given on these two, life in Cuba remains a mystery, and what they wish to get out of America is so simple and basic it becomes unclear. Its like listening to a press conference of a bad politician, when they say things like I want better schools for our children. There are different ideas of what a better school consists of, or how to achieve even that same idea. Its just a blanket, watered down statement that says absolutely nothing, and that simply was my take on this book. .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 , .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .postImageUrl , .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 , .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:hover , .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:visited , .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:active { border:0!important; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:active , .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759 .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3d5c83a774432493d310886a3ae04759:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Information Technology EssayNow, given the fact that I almost feel like I read nothing, Im not quite sure how to relate this book to a social theory discussed in class. In going through my notes, I see that in many ways bits and pieces of this book contradict Modernization Theory, so I will attempt to show in what ways. First of all, the most glaring aspect is that Emile Durkheim thought that people in underdeveloped nations needed to change their values and beliefs to fit those of the United States in order to develop or modernize. In my view, especially in the case of Cuba, it seems most people do share many of our cultural beliefs, otherwise there wouldnt be thousands w ho risk their lives to come ashore, or a book written with really only two characters, both of which attempt to reach the U.S. Thats two out of two, 100%, and this won the National Young Cuban Writers award for best novel. Demand for American products such as Coke would not be so high if not for the Cubans desire to be more American. So, assuming as I do that the beliefs are there, then Durkheim is wrong in at least this aspect of his thoughts that contributed to Modernization Theory. This also goes against Max Webers idea about the Protestant ethic. Assuming that Cubans do have adequate beliefs to develop in place and that the vast majority are not Protestant in faith, then one would not need to be Protestant or believe in predestination in order to obtain the necessary values to develop their country. Salvation Panic isnt the only reason for one to work hard to succeed. Also, Webers assumption that third world countries (although I guess technically Cuba would fall in the second w orld) have a fatalistic attitude must also be false. I dont think someone considered to be fatalistic would risk their life to better themselves. They wouldnt consciously decide that there is a better life for them and take control of their lives and risk everything in the hope of affording themselves better opportunities. Things like hope and a desire to risk ones life dont seem like characteristics of a fatalist, in fact these two ideas are in direct contradiction. If you want to talk about a dichotomy, I would say right there is one; at least a concrete one, not the construct of someones mind like Durkheims comparison of traditional and modern societies.Although this wasnt nearly as complete a rebuttal against Modernization Theory as Dependency Theory is, and even though I wouldnt recommend reading this book to anybody, in many ways The Cuban Mile did have shades of contradictions to this theory present within its cover. In a few instances the narrator will take you back to the i sland and give a few insights into their way of life, and in a few other instances he will show a glimpse of what might be going through the mind of a normal Cuban and what kinds of beWords/ Pages : 1,590 / 24
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on FAS 123- Accounting For Stock Options
FASB 123 – Accounting for Stock Options When people think of business and business practices one thought that comes to mind is money. Money is the biggest driving force for a business to be successful. With all the transactions that take place in a business, whether that business be a large corporation or a small â€Å"Mom and Pop†store, keeping track of all the flows of money can get immensely complex. That is why we have created agencies to set standards so proper accounting practices will be performed. Two of these agencies are the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), set up by our federal government, and the privately created, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The standards the FASB creates are known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). When an accounting controversy arises accounting agencies will step in to help solve the problem. One accounting issue that was prominent in the late 1980s and early 1990s was, accounting for employee stock-based compensation or stock options. Today the accounting statement made by FASB, number 123 - Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, is the most recent addition on how to account for stock options. But before the FASB issued this statement there were many questions, concerns, and changes of how stock options were accounted for. To better understand what Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 123 is and how it came about, the events that led up to the issuance of SFAS 123 will be identified. Also it is important to understand why the FASB sets accounting standards for the U.S. instead of the SEC, which has the ultimate power in setting rules and standards. To first begin, employee stock options give them the option to purchase the business’s stock and in a later period, employees hope to exercise these options at a higher price than the grant date. The holder of these options usually must hold stock options five to ten years... Free Essays on FAS 123- Accounting For Stock Options Free Essays on FAS 123- Accounting For Stock Options FASB 123 – Accounting for Stock Options When people think of business and business practices one thought that comes to mind is money. Money is the biggest driving force for a business to be successful. With all the transactions that take place in a business, whether that business be a large corporation or a small â€Å"Mom and Pop†store, keeping track of all the flows of money can get immensely complex. That is why we have created agencies to set standards so proper accounting practices will be performed. Two of these agencies are the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), set up by our federal government, and the privately created, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The standards the FASB creates are known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). When an accounting controversy arises accounting agencies will step in to help solve the problem. One accounting issue that was prominent in the late 1980s and early 1990s was, accounting for employee stock-based compensation or stock options. Today the accounting statement made by FASB, number 123 - Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, is the most recent addition on how to account for stock options. But before the FASB issued this statement there were many questions, concerns, and changes of how stock options were accounted for. To better understand what Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 123 is and how it came about, the events that led up to the issuance of SFAS 123 will be identified. Also it is important to understand why the FASB sets accounting standards for the U.S. instead of the SEC, which has the ultimate power in setting rules and standards. To first begin, employee stock options give them the option to purchase the business’s stock and in a later period, employees hope to exercise these options at a higher price than the grant date. The holder of these options usually must hold stock options five to ten years...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The 4 Graph Quadrants Definition and Examples
The 4 Graph Quadrants Definition and Examples SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The Cartesian plane (or the x-y plane) is a two-line graph on which you plot ordered pairs. The two intersecting lines of the Cartesian plane make four distinct graph quadrants. In this article, we’ll discuss what graph quadrants are, how to manipulate data points on graph quadrants, and walk through some sample graph quadrant problems. What Are the4 Graph Quadrants? The two lines on the Cartesian plane form four graph quadrants. In this section, we’ll discuss the graph quadrant definition and define each part of the plane. Quadrant Definition A quadrant is one of the four sections on a Cartesian plane. Each quadrant includes a combination of positive and negative values for x and y. The4 Graph Quadrants There are four graph quadrants that make up the Cartesian plane. Each graph quadrant has a distinct combination of positive and negative values. Here are the graph quadrants and their values: Quadrant I: The first quadrant is in the upper right-hand corner of the plane. Both x and y have positive values in this quadrant. Quadrant II: The second quadrant is in the upper left-hand corner of the plane. X has negative values in this quadrant and y has positive values. Quadrant III: The third quadrant is in the bottom left corner. Both x and y have negative values in this quadrant. Quadrant IV: The fourth quadrant is in the bottom right corner. X has positive values in this quadrant and y has negative values. Graph Quadrants Diagram In this diagram, you can see the four graph quadrants, along with whether or not x and y are positive and negative. Graph Quadrant Numbers, Explained Numbers are plotted on graph quadrants in what are known as ordered pairs. An ordered pair consists of two values, x and y. In an ordered pair, x is always the first value and y is always the second value. In the ordered pair (5, -2) for instance, 5 is the x value and -2 is the y value. When plotting an ordered pair, the x value refers to the pair’s horizontal position on the graph. The y value refers to the vertical position. See how the pair (5, -2) looks when plotted. Graph Quadrants Example Problems Using the following graph quadrant diagram, identify the quadrants for the following ordered pairs. Ordered Pair Quadrant (-9, 11) (4, 8) (-3, -4) Graph Quadrants Example Problems: Answers Find the answers for the above graph quadrants example problems below. Ordered Pair Quadrant (-9, 11) II (4, 8) I (-3, -4) III Math Quadrants: Key Takeaways A math quadrant is another phrase for a graph quadrant. A graph quadrant is one of four sections on a Cartesian plane. Each of the four sections has a specific combination of negative and positive values for x and y. You plot an ordered pair on graph quadrants. Ordered pairs have x and y values. X is the first value in an ordered pair; y is the second. What's Next? Want to brush up on other basic math skills?Then check out our expert guides on how toadd and subtract fractionsand how to use the acceleration formula. Need help preparing for the SAT/ACT Math section?Learn everything you need to know aboutwhat kinds of topics are tested on SAT MathandACT Math.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
American old film class Cabin in the Sky and The Wizard of Oz Essay
American old film class Cabin in the Sky and The Wizard of Oz - Essay Example The sets are lavish, costumes bizarre, colours psychedelic and the music is loud and active. Two very good visual sequences are the foreboding interior of the Wizards castle and the swooping swarm of the Wicked Witchs minions resembling flying monkeys. The wicked witch threatens Dorothy. The Wizard of Oz is a true predecessor of most modern Hollywood movies, and perhaps the single most influential movie of the twentieth century. Its reputation of being a classic is well deserved. This movie was released during the Great Depression. The faith in human nature expressed in The Wizard of Oz served as an affirmation to movie going audiences in 1939. The Wizard of Oz is one of the most enduring stories in American popular culture, the themes and images from this story are a part of everyday experience and the songs "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" and "If I Only Had a Brain," are instantly recognizable. The Wizard of Oz is about the great American myth of self-actualization, the allegorical search for courage, intelligence and heart. The message of the film is that all of these things lie within one and all that is needed is to recognize them and that despite the magical and amazingly colourful world that we live in, there is no place like home and ones family. It could also be construed to be a film about the disillusionment with politics as the great and celebrated leader turns out to be a charlatan, while all that is needed to get by is the simple basic tools within held by the masses of the world. The 1943 musical "Cabin in the Sky", resembles a standard MGM musical rather than a black-music musical. "Little Joe" Jackson (Eddie" Rochester" Anderson) drifts from his devout and devoted wife Petunia (Ethel Waters), to Georgia Brown (Lena Horne). He is shot by Domino Johnson (John W. Sublett), a gambler. Little Joes soul leaves the body and Lucifer, Jr. (Rex
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
State Involvement in Higher Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
State Involvement in Higher Education - Essay Example In this paper arguments against and in favour of state involvement would be thoroughly analyzed. Appropriate theoretical frameworks like market failure, public expenditure and government failure will be included in the first section of the essay in order to support argumentative discussion. The theories on public finance management would be able to highlight the importance of governmental intervention in higher education. Public expenditure in educational system of various countries shall also be included within this particular study. Empirical data from different countries such as Europe, Asian countries and United States will also be encompassed in the essay. As the essay declares UK government to certain extent is actively involved in enhancing higher educational system of the country. The level of performance and importance of UK government will be analyzed with the support of public finance management theories. These ideas would be associated with government failure and market failure concepts. A higher educational system can only perform appropriately when it is supplied with essential resources. These resources are either provided by private sector or by government. Educational system being totally dependent on market, results into a risky scenario in future years. The future trends along with present scenario of state level educational expenditure management shall be evaluated in this study.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Anglo American PLC in South Africa Essay Example for Free
Anglo American PLC in South Africa Essay 1. The pros would be: a) The early adoption strategy of ART can help the company to prevent and combat the spread of the disease not only on its workforce but also the populations of surrounding communities. This early initiative can also help to prevent further loss in operating expenses and declining workers’ productivity in the company. b) Anglo American became a de facto leader in the private-sector fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. It also became a trendsetter for other MNEs to follow suit such as Coke, Ford, and Colgate-Palmolive. c) Received positive reactions and approval from WHO, the Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS, and a host of other NGOs. d) Became a socially responsible company in the global market. This comprehensive program reflects that Anglo American has a good intention on protecting the rights of infected workers. e) The program might have a bright future, as 95% have responded well to the treatment and are working productively. f) The gradual change in the South African government’s view towards HIV/AIDS can further on help Anglo American to combat this national wide epidemic issue of the disease. The cons would be: a) The company had to bear outrageous amount of operating costs to combat this issue, with an estimated $4,000 per employee when the company typically offers $830 for wages and benefits per employee. b) There is a 15% level of non-adherence from the workers who are enrolled in the program and due to harsh working conditions make it hard for workers to take medications on time or to deal with side effects. c) Pressures and oppositions from various constituencies such as the South African government, political leaders, and CEO Brian Gillbertson of BHP Billiton who all thought that the program was not efficient. South Africa’s prime minister uttered the initative as a â€Å"vigilante†move designed to place unreasonable burdens on the government. Recommendations: Anglo American should cut down on major costs to support the program in order prevent further waste of money since it can cost 7.2% of the company’s wage bill. Provide only to those who need to be treated and who can adhere to the program. Anglo American should also seek support from WHO and other international humanitarian organizations, and the South African government with the objective of a great cause for the South Africans. Also try to cooperate with pharmaceutical companies who can sell antiretroviral drugs at a subsidized rate. All of these actions should help maintain the image of the company in the global market. 2. Since migrant workers in South Africa account for about four-fifth of the total workforce, it would not be a strategic decision to adopt the policy of not hiring migrant workers. This policy can also have negative impacts on the company’s image, since it is a pretty discriminatory policy and can cause unequal treatments to workers. Therefore, Anglo American should still hire migrant workers because there are a lot of workers needed to work in the mine site. Switching policies regarding whom to hire will only further increase operating costs. 3. Pharmaceutical companies play a big role in responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Since GlaxoSmithKline can sell antiretroviral drugs to Anglo American at 1/10th of the market price in industrialized world, other pharmaceutical companies should be able to do so in order to safe the lives of millions of people. The South African government should cooperate with these pharmaceutical companies since the government itself has started implementing National Strategic Plan for combating HIV/AIDS. This will allow pharmaceutical companies to enter in B2B deals with the government and companies who care for their employees’ health. For the poor enforcement of patent rights, Pharmaceutical companies should enter into an agreement with the South African government that these rights will be protected otherwise cooperation between parties will not take place. There should be strict policies and courses of actions to tackle infringement of patent rights. Pharmaceutical companies should also invest more in RD to create drugs for HIV/AIDS that can save the lives of people. 4. South African government should not 100% implement aggressive policies that were conducted in Brazil and Thailand mainly due to differences in political, economic, legal, cultural conditions, these policies might not work in South Africa (such as taking advantage of TRIPS agreement etc). Instead, the South African government should learn from these countries how to tackle the epidemic issues, relate the situations and implement some of the steps that might be feasible to implement in South Africa. Anglo American’s cooperation with GlaxoSmithKline purchasing life saving drugs at a reasonable price should encourage other pharmaceutical companies (especially MNEs) to join the program to fight against this epidemic disease.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
George Orwell, Book Jacket :: essays research papers
Eric Arthur Blair, known as George Orwell, was born in 1903 near Nepal in the Indian Village Moithari. "This is exactly what he tried to do: he tried to change himself from Eric Blair, old Etonian and English colonial policemen, into George Orwell, classless antiauthoritarian." (www.k-1.com) His two most famous work were Animal Farm(1943) and 1984(1946). Other books he has written have been Why I Write, Road to Wigan Pier, Down and Out(which was almost destroyed), Burmese Days, The Clergyman's Daughter, Homage to Catalonia, and Coming up for Air. In 1944 George Orwell and his then wife, Elieen O 'Shaughnessy, adopted a child. A year after hi wife died during an operation. In 1946, the same year he wrote 1984 and was also very ill, he married Sonia Bronwell. He says 1984 was so gloomy because of his illness. He died in January 1950 on the island of Jura off the Scottish Coast. Eric Arthur Blair, known as George Orwell, was born in 1903 near Nepal in the Indian Village Moithari. "This is exactly what he tried to do: he tried to change himself from Eric Blair, old Etonian and English colonial policemen, into George Orwell, classless antiauthoritarian." (www.k-1.com) His two most famous work were Animal Farm(1943) and 1984(1946). Other books he has written have been Why I Write, Road to Wigan Pier, Down and Out(which was almost destroyed), Burmese Days, The Clergyman's Daughter, Homage to Catalonia, and Coming up for Air. In 1944 George Orwell and his then wife, Elieen O 'Shaughnessy, adopted a child. A year after hi wife died during an operation. In 1946, the same year he wrote 1984 and was also very ill, he married Sonia Bronwell. He says 1984 was so gloomy because of his illness. He died in January 1950 on the island of Jura off the Scottish Coast. Eric Arthur Blair, known as George Orwell, was born in 1903 near Nepal in the Indian Village Moithari. "This is exactly what he tried to do: he tried to change himself from Eric Blair, old Etonian and English colonial policemen, into George Orwell, classless antiauthoritarian." (www.k-1.com) His two most famous work were Animal Farm(1943) and 1984(1946). Other books he has written have been Why I Write, Road to Wigan Pier, Down and Out(which was almost destroyed), Burmese Days, The Clergyman's Daughter, Homage to Catalonia, and Coming up for Air.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Meaning of a Monologue from Hamlet
The proverb means one should be true to oneself. One should try to have his own identity by being himself or herself. This line is a monologue by Polonium, one of the characters of William Shakespearean â€Å"Hamlet†. This line requests/ advices a person to be truthful in his life. By engaging oneself into self deception, one will only lead his way to menace. The only way to success is through an honest and straightforward life. If we are honest then automatically we will get the friendship of honest people.We all have different thoughts and hopes. All the thoughts and hopes are very different and does not match with others. We also call all these thoughts and hopes as dreams. Our dream can be anything. The dream we see must be real and not some thin which Is Inappeasable on earth. A person can dream of being a dancer or a singer or a swimmer or a cyclist or a runner or a tennis champion or a artist or a cinema artist and these dreams are Just endless. Hen a child see a dream which moms very close and a attachment rises to our heart. We start our Journey of being of what we have dreamt. We try our best to be successful. These dreams are not as easy as It looks. The journey has a lot obstacles In Its path but Is our dream Is real then no one In the world can stop us for making a goal to our alms. A very Important thing Is trust In yourself. Elf this trust Is there then we will never lose a competition. So as a fact we should never stop Instead continue walking Into our life.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Microsoft Word
JP Morgan Chase, a financial holding company which merged with Bank One to expand its operations and market for financial products. Their experiences with outsourcing have been bitter and they are on the lookup for better strategies for managing their IT infrastructure. In addition to that, back sourcing did not do much good. It stirred dissatisfaction among employees and senior management. Both the decisions, namely outsourcing and back sourcing, were a drag in productivity and loss in morale for its employees. The above paragraph is drafted for explaining the following features. Thesaurus: This option is exercised to know the synonyms of a particular word and successfully replace a chosen word with a synonym. It is used to find substitutes for a given word. For example: A word namely â€Å"merged†can be replaced with compound, fused or others. Research: It is an option exercised to research the existing text in the document for its proof found at Microsoft Office Online (2007). It is used to review the comments or track changes. Can be cited as pseudo plagiarism software that checks equivalent sentences with others over the internet. Spell check: It is used to check the spelling mistakes in the drafted document and provides options for correcting them. It is a feature which displays several options for the correct spelling and one can either replace or ignore the suggested options. It is used for getting the words spelled correctly according to US English. For example: If the word â€Å"strategies†was written as â€Å"stratagies†, using the spell check it was possible to replace it with the correct word. Grammar check: A feature which evaluates the entire line or a part of the line and suggests the possible best sentence which is alphabetically correct. Ernst (2007) states that it is generally used to replace grammatically incorrect sentences or words with correct ones. For example, if the part of the sentence â€Å"Their experiences with outsourcing have been bitter and they are on the lookup for better strategies for managing†was written as â€Å"Their experiences with outsourcing have been bitter and they is on the lookup for better strategies for managing†, then using grammar check it can be corrected. References Ernst P. Mike (2007).Faculty Strategies for Promoting Student Learning. See:http://www.csudh.edu/titlev/mswordspellinggrammar.htm, accessed on 24th October 2007. Microsoft Office Online (2007), accessed 24th October 2007.    Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Persuation essays
Persuation essays Have you ever driven down the road in some town somewhere and saw a person wearing different clothes than you or selling their cultural arts and crafts, that are unusual to you, but not to them? Have you wondered where they got that idea from, or who taught them that? Im talking about a persons general ignorance about someone elses culture and beliefs. About how concentrating more time in school as a kid learning about your American History. More than just Columbus came here and discovered America, and that the Indians were discovered by the Europeans. What about who was here before Columbus landed? How long had they been here for? These sort of things will lead the minds of our young into real stories of tribes and kings, and wars, and the realization that there was more beyond 1776 when our founding fathers founded our country. You know, I think also that it would open our eyes to each other more and less towards turning away. So lets take a look at Americas History, not the United States of America, but the island of America. According to The Smithsonian Encyclopedia, traditional theory held that the first Americans crossed the land bridge from Siberia to Alaska around 11,500 years ago (par 1). These folks were the Clovis people, named after a town in New Mexico, where their fluted spear points used for hunting mammoth were in 1932. Then there were indications that boats were actually in use as far back as 25,000 to 40,000 years ago and now there is evidence suggesting that people with boats moved along the coast of Canada, California, Peru, Ecuador, and Chile date between 10,000 and 12,000 ago and others are buried under the coast line(par 3). Now looking beyond the remains, there are people who are trying to uncover the truth about the New World. These people are scientists who are researching theses remains and others like them to determine the biological as...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of Medicine and Major Medical Inventions
The History of Medicine and Major Medical Inventions By defintion, medicine is the science of diagnosing, treating, or preventing disease and damage to the body or mind. A medical invention would be any instrument, machine, implant, or similar article that is useful in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of disease, for example: the thermometer, artificial heart, or a home pregnancy test. A Ambulance, Antibody Labeling Agent, Antiseptics, Apgar Score, Artificial Heart, Aspirin B Band-Aids, Blood Bank C Cardiac Related, Cataract Laserphaco Probe, Catheter, Catscan, Cloning, Contact Lenses, Cortisone, CPR D Dentistry, Diabetes Related, Dialysis Machine, Disposable Diapers E,F,G EKG Electrocardiography, Fetal Monitor, Genetics, Glasses (Eye) H Heart Lung Machine, Hepatitis Vaccine, HIV Protease Inhibitors I,K,L Insulin Process, Laser Eye Surgery, Liposuction M Microbiology Related, Microscope, MRI N,O Nystatin, Oral Contraceptives P,Q,R Pap Smear, Pasteurization, Penicillin, Pentothal, Polio Vaccine, Prosthetic, Prozac, Respirator S On June 5, 1984, the Safety Cap for Medicine Bottle (Child-Proof) was patented by Ronald Kay, Safety Pin, Smart Pill, Stethoscope, Syringe T Tagamet, Tampons, Tetracycline, Thermometer U,V, Ultrasound, Vaccination Needle, Viagra, Vitamin Production W,X,Y,Z Wheelchairs, X-Ray History of Medicine The History of MedicineA timeline of medical discoveries, inventions, advances, and events from prehistoric times to the present.History of MedicineA museum dedicated to collecting 20th century medical research instruments and computers at the National Institutes of Health.Ancient Medicine: From Homer to VesaliusAn on-line exhibition prepared in conjunction with the Colloquium Antiqua Medicina: Aspects in Ancient MedicineAndreas Vesalius De Humani Corporis Fabrica, 1543Modern medicine began in 1543 with the publication of the first complete textbook of human anatomy, De Humanis Corporis Fabrica by Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564).
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Population and the Property in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Population and the Property in Australia - Essay Example The students were presented with a set of propositions expressing different views of the war in Iraq and asked to select the response which best reflected their own views. Over 70% agreed either with the proposition that "Australia should never have been involved in the US-led war in Iraq" or "Australia should no longer be involved in the US-led war in Iraq". This contrasts with surveys of young Australians conducted in early 2004, which showed a much higher level of support for Australian involvement in the war. Sample here is the student community whose views are being collected. The population is depicted as the overall population of Australia. Property is the personal views of Australians regarding the govt involvement in War in Iraq. An argument can be evaluated on the basis of certain factors. First of all, the sample case of students being extended to total population is not totally adequate because of the age factor. Students of a university who are not experienced in international affairs and the government working are presenting their personal views which are themselves based on what their peers think. This age factor cannot be extended on to the overall population as there are middle-aged men and women and the older generations who are more mature and experienced. The research methods used are also not considering the viewpoint of people other than young students. Conclusion about the evaluation is deduced as not justified because the views of people more experienced and strong vie w point is not considered. In causal research, why is it important for test group and control group to be similar? What method of test group/ control group selection is most likely to result in the test group and control group being similar? Why? Explain, using an example, why it is not always appropriate to use that more reliable form of test group/control group selection.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Research Paper Example However, it does not mean that other factors such as crime, unemployment rate and pollution levels are at low or minimum levels. This is because GDP does not factor these issues in the above equation and does not take these issues into consideration. As such, a positive GDP will not necessarily mean a country has a low unemployment rate when the economy is â€Å"good†. Logically, if a country has positive GDP growth, it means that economy is â€Å"good†. Thus, businesses profit and demand for labor to meet the market demands for supply of goods and services grows. Increased demand for labor will also result in higher wages offered and lead to a decrease in the unemployment rate. Crime rates may decrease as people have jobs to support the cost of living; but this factor is not calculated in the equation. So when the economy is â€Å"good†as shown by the positive GDP, it does not mean that everything is â€Å"good†for its people. As an example, think about the rising cost of health care, which would be classified in the equation as consumer spending (C). Although the increase in consumer spending will contribute positively to the GDP, this is under the mistaken assumption that all individuals in the family can afford higher health care costs (Schwartz, 2010). This is also the case for the costs of education and leisure. If a GDP is positive, it does not necessarily mean that all of the people in the country have more money for leisure and can afford higher education costs. A developed nation almost always has a high GDP (Wikipedia), but at what cost does this development come? The question arises as to whether their development is detrimental to the environment. When businesses expand, they will need more space to build offices and other developments for people’s benefit. This will see a reduction in green areas or even deforestation; and myriad pollutions by industries- be it air, water or sound pollution- will also
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The criminal mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The criminal mind - Essay Example Three features distinguish crime science from criminology: it embraces the physical, computer and engineering sciences as well as the social; it focuses on crime rather than criminals, and it is single-minded about cutting crime, rather than studying it for its own sake. Crime science was conceived by the British broadcaster Nick Ross in the late 1990s in order to recruit scientific methods to crime prevention, with encouragement from the then Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir John Stevens and Professor Ken Pease. Situations have not been entirely ignored in criminology. Birkbeck3 and LaFree (1993) and Sampson and Lauritsen (1994) have reviewed various situational approaches to crime, deviance, and violence, including the work of symbolic integrationists, opportunity and routine activity theorists, and those who advocate the study of criminal events. Most empirical research on situations, however, has involved the event as the unit of analysis, with no link to individual histories or individual patterns of behavior. To study the behavior situation relations advocated by Mischel and Shoda (1995)4, we would need to study the same individuals across multiple situations or contexts. To proceed with such an approach, we must define situations. From the various situational perspectives on crime there has not as yet emerged a consensus as to how situations should be conceptualized. Let us turn back to the summer camp study (Shoda et al., 1994) for a possible model. In that study the researchers observed behavior occurring within different levels, which they referred to as ecological settings, nominal situations, and interpersonal situations. Table 1 provides examples of these different levels. The ecological settings represented are camp, school, and home. Within each ecological setting are nominal situations, which they describe as â€Å"dictated by the structure of the particular ecology (the setting)†(Shoda et al., 1994: 675). Thus, at
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Industry Interaction And Placement Committee Commerce Essay
Industry Interaction And Placement Committee Commerce Essay I got selected in LT power through campus placement after completing my Graduation from Nirma University, Ahmedabad. I worked in business development department of LT power for 4 years and 11 months. My global exposure involves the interaction with global vendors of energy sectors, corporate partners, consultants and government agencies, which mainly involved SIEMENS, ABB, MHI, SKODA, Schneider, Wartsila, GE, NTPC, MAHEGENCO, GSECL, TCE, Fichtner, EIL, GMR etc. I was interacting and negotiating with different companies simultaneously for the techno commercial offers of different equipment of the power plant including Gas turbine and steam turbine. My position provided me the opportunities to interact with sales manager to managing director of the different companies. This experience helps me to be a confident individual while dealing with the people who are having experience equal to my age. I managed to increase my vendor support portfolio for almost 5 times in business development department of LT Power by developing more vendors and keeping fruitful relationship with every vendor. I had represented my companies in international market and created business relationship with many international vendors. I am confident that my experience and working philosophy will help me to bring many companies for placement and industrial experience sharing purpose in our college. I maintained relationship with all the global vendors throughout the year during my professional period, which was more than just at professional level. This relationship helped me a lot to get the work done at critical point of time during submission. I am confident that I will create the fruitful interaction with all the companies while dealing with them for placement purpose. I was part of a team, who were dealing with more than Rs. 1000 Cr bidding gas based power plant projects. My exposure in this team helped me to understand the criticality of the confidential matters and deadlines of the submission. My experience will help me to work under tremendous amounts of pressure and help me to take decisions in order to ensure a smooth recruitment process at Great Lakes IEMR. I had organized various events for more than 500 people in my college period which helped me to be a good team member and event co-ordinator. I will use this rich experience to organized placement activities in our campus. I believe in small initiatives to achieve larger goal. Working beyond the call of duty, I actively participated in Employee engagement initiatives at LT power, an initiative to make LT power a better place to work by incorporating hobbies of people in professional ambience. With this positive attitude, I hope to add value to placement committee. 2.If you were selected, what would be your action plan for the committee? I will start with preparing placement brochure for the companies, whom we are approaching for the placements. This brochure involves the details of all students like academic background, experience, professional and personal achievements, faculty details, course provided, institute values, details of expert lectures etc. I prepare pre placement interaction meeting with the companies on one to one basis to highlight the values of our institute and our expertise in energy sector. I will arrange one workshop of CV building and GD/PI/Case, Personality development program for the students to sharpen their interview skills especially by professionals if possible. I will arrange mock interviews to build up the confidence of the student and work on the area of improvements of all the students. I will arrange alumni meet wherein our alumni not only shared their experiences vis -a-vis the realities of the corporate life but also help our juniors to make them understand the growing expectation of the corporate world so that students can mould themselves as per the recruiters expectations. I will be in touch with all the companies throughout the year by sending development news, monthly address of the senior people and festival greetings. I will try to help every student define his/her career interest through individual expert counselling. This will eventually help me to call companies from whom students get the maximum benefit. 3.Draft an official mail to a Senior HR Manager of one of our preferred recruiters (say XYZ corp) introducing Great Lakes IEMR (class of 2014, Institute, its uniqueness etc) and thereby inviting the company for a student  interaction. Great Lakes IEMR, Gurgaon 815, Udyog Vihar, Phase V, Gurgaon, India 122016 Tel: +91-124-4934000, Fax: +91-124-4934001 www.greatlakes.edu.in/gurgaon Date: 27th July, 2012 SUBJECT: Invitation for the Student Interaction program at Great Lakes IEMR, Gurgaon  Dear Sir, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you for the Student Interaction program at Great Lakes Institute of Energy Management and Research (IEMR), Gurgaon. This is the time for us to expose the best talent in energy sector we have, to the industrial world that waits to apply and absorb the talent developed by each student. In spite of being the less experience of Great Lakes IEMR in educational sector, I am confident that your requirement will not just be met by Great Lakes IEMR students, but will be surpassed your requirement substantially. The students of 2014 mix in the batch have come under one roof from the most diverse milestone of industries. This diversity in students profile like business development, Consultancies, EPC, Project management, Software development etc. helped students to understand varied backgrounds of business and culture. The domain specific curriculum here has been specifically aligned to the needs and aspirations of the energy industry through an extensive case-study based pedagogy simulating real-life decision-making to ensure that students not just imbibe academic concepts but develop the analytical and decisionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœmaking skills to be the leaders in the everà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœchanging world of business. Their diversity and specialization will give you varied options as you look forward for bright young men and women to be a part of your industry. The master key amongst the best organizations of today is Knowledge and domain expertise. In line with this requirement, we have guided Students to developed their expertise in functional areas like Finance, Marketing, Operations, Human Resources, Organizational Behaviour and given them a unique opportunity to choose an area of specialization from a set of fast growing industry domains both in India and globally like Power, Oil Gas, Renewable energy and Sustainability Environmental Management. Domain Expertise this word itself has a lot of meaning and purpose for all of us at Great Lakes IEMR. It is the premise on which the academic programs are developed. The distinguished faculty at Great Lakes IEMR and session of industry interface, which forms the most dynamic part in academic and consulting circles, have taken the pains to make sure that the student of today is constantly acclimatised to the dynamics of change and takes his rightful place amongst the future prime movers of the Energy industry. I welcome you to experience this domain specialization. Having stamped its class in academic and corporate circles, the alumni of Great Lakes IEMR today are doing the most challenging and demanding roles in power industry. This is testimony to the trust and belief that the power industry has bestowed in us for the initiative taken by Great Lakes IEMR to develop the best minds in Energy Sector with domain specialization. This journey from darkness to light for the students would not be possible but for the strong believe that Great Lakes IEMR shares with the energy sector. I feel privileged to invite you to be a part of student interaction process this year. I am confident that your organization and the industry will benefit immensely from your choice of domain specialized graduates at Great Lakes IEMR. With best regards and good wishes, Placement Co coordinator Great Lakes IEMR 4.Prepare a SWOT( Strengths , Weakness , Opportunity , Threats ) analysis for GLIEMR as an institution wrt placements . STRENGTHS: Domain specialization (Flexibility to specialize and gain domain knowledge in key emerging sectors) Industrial exposure (Almost 26 Domain specific industrial lectures and site visits) Outstanding placement response by industry players in first year itself Prestigious brand of Great Lakes Institute of Management Location of the college (In Corporate hub) Unique and proprietary Conscientious Leadership Development Program Distinguished Faculty with PhDs or MBAs from top business schools Leadership initiatives taken by students to develop different committees Energy sector provides enough entrepreneur opportunities WEAKNESS: Lack of institute experience in educational sector, past record Lack of international footprints AICTE, government approval is not available for the course which is necessary for the government companies to take part in placement process Energy domain is highly policy driven market, Government policies may affect the market in negative way Concentration of the people on renewable energies may affect the future scope of OilGas sector and thermal power plants Past placement record is not strong enough Lack of alumni team Not well established network with energy sector companies No tie up with global educational energy centres, energy research institutes (ECN, Nanyang Technological University Energy Research Institute, CERI) Our course structure is design for the Indian market, which doesnt provide international opportunities OPPURTUNITY: Lack of best education institute which provides PGPM domain specialization courses in India. This provide us the opportunity to develop ourselves and become number one in domain specific courses Demand growth is exponential in energy sector. Approx. 1,00,000 MW is planning to get added in 12th year plan, which provides tremendous growth opportunities for the energy sector Energy trading is gearing up in India, specialization in energy trading provides tremendous growth opportunities in India Our campus is located in Gurgaon, Corporate Hub of India. This provides us enough opportunities to bring maximum multi-national companies located in Gurgaon for the campus placement THREATS: Government interference in Energy Sector. Energy sector is highly policy driven market. Change in government policy may affect the sector badly Lack of fuel resources affect the market in negative manner because of force major activities Chinese equipment may affect the Indian power sector negatively, which will reduce the employment opportunities in energy sector of India
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Essay -- Biology Essays Resea
Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychopathology that affects approximately 1% of the population. (1) Unlike unipolar disorder, also known as major affective disorder or depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by vacillating between periods of elation (either mania or hypomania) and depression. (1, 2) Bipolar disorder is also not an illness that remedies itself over time; people affected with manic depression are manic-depressives for their entire lives. (2, 3) For this reason, researchers have been struggling to, first, more quickly diagnose the onset of bipolar disorder in a patient and, second, to more effectively treat it. (4) As more and more studies have been performed on this disease, the peculiar occurrence between extreme creativity and manic depression have been uncovered, leaving scientists to deal with yet another puzzling aspect of the psychopathology. (5) Patients with bipolar disorder swing between major depressive, mixed, hypomanic, and manic episodes. (1-9) A major depressive episode is when the patient has either a depressed mood or a loss of interest/pleasure in normal activities for a minimum of two weeks. Specifically, the patient should have (mostly): depressed mood for most of the day, nearly every day; diminished interest or pleasure in activities; weight loss or gain (a difference of 5% either way in the period of a month); insomnia or hypersomnia; psychomotor agitation or retardation; fatigue or loss of energy; diminished ability to think or concentrate; feelings of worthlessness; recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation or attempt. It is important to note that, except for the last symptom, all of these symptoms must be ... ... of such caliber in these people is something to conserve. As more effective drug treatment is being sought after, hopefully there will be medication that will permit the creative genius of the patients and allow them to function in society as well. Bibliography 1. http://www.healthguide.com/Bipolar/BASICS.htm 2. Rescorla, Leslie. Psychology 209, Abnormal Psychology. Bryn Mawr College, Apr 1998. 3. http://www.Scruznet.com/`Crawford/Madness/ 4. http://www.medscape.com/Medscape/M5/mh3183.bowden/mh3183.bowden.html 5. http://www.schizophrenia.com/ami/Cnsmer/creative.html 6. http://www.medscape.com/Medscape/M7/mh3206.bowden/mh3206.bowden.html 7. http://www.cmhc.com/disorders/sx20.htm 8. http://www.usask.ca/psychiatry/bipolar2.html 9. http://www.mhsource.com/edu/psytimes/p960533.html 10. http://www.pendulum.org/misc/famous.htm Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Essay -- Biology Essays Resea Bipolar Disorder and the Creative Genius Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychopathology that affects approximately 1% of the population. (1) Unlike unipolar disorder, also known as major affective disorder or depression, bipolar disorder is characterized by vacillating between periods of elation (either mania or hypomania) and depression. (1, 2) Bipolar disorder is also not an illness that remedies itself over time; people affected with manic depression are manic-depressives for their entire lives. (2, 3) For this reason, researchers have been struggling to, first, more quickly diagnose the onset of bipolar disorder in a patient and, second, to more effectively treat it. (4) As more and more studies have been performed on this disease, the peculiar occurrence between extreme creativity and manic depression have been uncovered, leaving scientists to deal with yet another puzzling aspect of the psychopathology. (5) Patients with bipolar disorder swing between major depressive, mixed, hypomanic, and manic episodes. (1-9) A major depressive episode is when the patient has either a depressed mood or a loss of interest/pleasure in normal activities for a minimum of two weeks. Specifically, the patient should have (mostly): depressed mood for most of the day, nearly every day; diminished interest or pleasure in activities; weight loss or gain (a difference of 5% either way in the period of a month); insomnia or hypersomnia; psychomotor agitation or retardation; fatigue or loss of energy; diminished ability to think or concentrate; feelings of worthlessness; recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation or attempt. It is important to note that, except for the last symptom, all of these symptoms must be ... ... of such caliber in these people is something to conserve. As more effective drug treatment is being sought after, hopefully there will be medication that will permit the creative genius of the patients and allow them to function in society as well. Bibliography 1. http://www.healthguide.com/Bipolar/BASICS.htm 2. Rescorla, Leslie. Psychology 209, Abnormal Psychology. Bryn Mawr College, Apr 1998. 3. http://www.Scruznet.com/`Crawford/Madness/ 4. http://www.medscape.com/Medscape/M5/mh3183.bowden/mh3183.bowden.html 5. http://www.schizophrenia.com/ami/Cnsmer/creative.html 6. http://www.medscape.com/Medscape/M7/mh3206.bowden/mh3206.bowden.html 7. http://www.cmhc.com/disorders/sx20.htm 8. http://www.usask.ca/psychiatry/bipolar2.html 9. http://www.mhsource.com/edu/psytimes/p960533.html 10. http://www.pendulum.org/misc/famous.htm
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Life should be taken care
By looking at the above premises I reach to a solid conclusion; that no one should be allowed to ride in the truck of truck unless they have taken the necessary precautions, e. g. , having attained the proper age, or when the truck is but the only means of transport in a family and the speed at which the truck is traveling must be in agreement with the traffic rules.Life should be taken care of, people must be willing to avoid accidents and injuries if they can be avoided, I truly look at riding at the back of a truck a mere way of inviting trouble. In cases where trucks (pickups) were involved in accidents and overturned the riders at the back were thrown out, this way permanent body injuries and/or death were inevitable. No-one should be allowed to ride in the back of a pick –up.There are always risks associated to this type of traveling and in the USA; this is one of the leading cause of deaths in accidents on the road. There are various ways by which this can be made a lit tle bit safe but all in all it should really be banned. Think of a person below the age of 18 riding at the back of a pick up and see the possibility of falling off. Riders especially Kids who traveled in the back of a pick up more than often suffer from monoxide poisoning.It is so uncomfortable to ride in the back but teenagers find this as a way of having fun, rebelling, and teenagers will take advantage of this especially if the driver of the truck is not the owner and also when their parents are not near the scene. It is obvious that in case of an accident involving the pick up those at the back will get more injuries and even sometimes death may take place. If the pick-up rolls those at the back will be ejected out! It could then roll over them. The manufactures of these pick had the obvious reason for cargo transport not people.Traffic laws state that those who ride at the back of a truck should be above the age of 18, that a certain speed should be observed if a truck has peo ple riding in its back but sometimes these laws are violated and for this reason it should be banned completely that for whatsoever there should be no – one riding at the back, I know that sometimes this may not apply as there are times that this may be the only way of transport for certain people but it is banned they will get alternatives as it is better to have a transport problem than try to heal injuries and/or encounter death.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Agrarian Reform Issues
Answer the following questions after reading the document about poverty, all reports of each group/individual and the discussions we had in the classroom. Limit your answer to seven to ten substantive sentences only fully cited by related reviews and studies that you will use in the critique/answer. Plagiarized statements and notations shall be considered as invalid and the document will be equivalent to zero. Type your answer on this questionnaire. 1. Discuss how issues and problems are dealt with in social planning and social policy writing based from the framework below Fig. Schematic framework showing the interrelatedness of social institutions, and social structures. Social Structures Social Institutions -Society is defined by the interconnection of units that creates larger scale system relations in the society. Emile Durkheim’s sociological theory which is Structural Functionalism would perfectly represent the schematic framework. According to him, structural functional ism is when societies tend to be divided but is held together by shared values, common symbols or systems of exchanges, which creates stability. Small factors in the structure would eventually affect the higher strata of the society, there is interdependence among us, society is a network of statuses connected by associated roles (Leung, Richardson). The formulation of social policies is based on the needs of the status quo, it is deeply associated by the present condition of the society. In the paper of Subedi entitled ‘Structural Functional Perspective in Sociology’ discussed the consensus and conflict perspective wherein due to conflict â€Å"society cannot operate for any length of time on the basis of force. Society is held together by the consensus of its members†. It simply describes society as a perpetually changing structure which needs continuous planning and execution of social programs to keep up with the progressing evolution of humanity. Social planning and policy making is the analysis of the things that a social system needs in order to survive. One of the objectives of this is to maintain the stability of pattern, facilitates the society in resolving social problems, and integrating dependent units in achieving unity (Subedi, 2010). 2. Discuss landlessness as a social problem. Please highlight its impact on farmers and society as a whole. -Landlessness is a manifestation of poverty wherein a person is deprived on the possession of land as an opportunity for growth or development. Unequal distribution of land is the root cause of the landlessness of the farmers, this could be traced in the Spanish colonization wherein the encomienda system were put into practice wherein the landowners would hire farmers to till their land and most of the revenues that will be generated will be on the hands of the landowners which is apparently unfair. Landlessness is a significant social problem because it would worsen other social problems that are already present. Take Uganda for example, a study that was conducted by Alinyo and Leahy (2007) entitled ‘the Impact of Landlessness on Sustainable Agricultural Initiatives; Benet Sub County, Kapchorwa, Uganda’, wherein the study discusses that the issues of landlessness are cause by the following: Rapid population growth, lack of ownership rights, inadequate extension services. The effects would be: Low crop yields, low household incomes, hunger that would totally result into rural poverty. The case of Uganda is not different to the situation of the Philippines with regards to landlessness, landlessness of the farmers has been an issue since then, a clear example representing this problem is the case of Hacienda Luisita wherein the problem has not yet been resolve because it is often disregarded to be the focal point of concern in the Philippine government. Landlessness are equivalent to the unequal distribution of access to opportunities and wealth, this has been the outcome of the Philippines choices of development trategies, policies and investment regime, and national and local institutions governing economic transactions, including land relations (Balisacan 2003, 2007). The impact of landlessness in the society as a whole would lead into social unrest among the people that is affected by this issue and thus lead into various deviances and protest that would disturb the present society. 3. What are the issues behind the Agrarian Reform Program on why the problem about landlessness? Is it about the law itself or how it is implemented? Examples that will be presented in this paper would come from the paper of Antonio Ledesma (1982) entitled ‘Landless Workers and Rice Farmers: Peasant Subclasses Under Agrarian Reform in Two Philippine Villages’. Of these issues behind the Agrarian reform includes the security concerns of landless farmer, owner-cultivatorship and permanent lessees. One of the main objectives of Agrarian refom program is the creation of an independent peasant class of owner-cultivators whose claim to ownership are based precisely on being the tillers of the soil. But in some barangays, landless workers spend more hours in actual rice farming operations than the agrarian refom beneficiaries. Another issue is the stagnant development of the tenant farmers that is stuck on being a tenant rather than owning a piece of land. Base on the findings on the paper of Ledesma Agrarian Reform itself has a good aim on the development of the farmers, however, the implementation of such program seems to fail since the situation of the past seems to never change. In conclusion, the planning is good but the execution of programs must be put into consideration. 4. Write a social policy about how problem on landlessness can be resolved? Take not of the introduction, provisions, time frame, how it will be implemented and the monitoring scheme, – This act is prepared in order to promulgate the rights of landless farmers and to recognize the sector as one of the most important contributors in the Philippine economy. With this social policy they would given a period of training development to maximize their skills as a contributor of the Philippine economy and a sector that has a paramount importance since they provide food for the Philippine population. The time frame for this social policy would require a 10 year period. Policies that will be included is the educational grants of the farmers wherein they must undergo training like irrigation, usage of advance equipments, modern seeds and scientific ways of propagating plants. The government must provide a wide scheme of budget for this policy because capital should be provided for institutional and attitudinal change of the people in the sector. The role of various institutions like the UP Los Banos, DOST will be stressed since the development of research for modern and improve seeds and planting materials will be focus upon to benefit for the farmers. The establishments of cooperative agricultures will be form for larger productivity and shared profits among farmers. There should also be a series of extension services at the time frame wherein agriculturists will visit areas ,particularly areas where rice production is prevalent , to train and advice farmers on advance farming methods. Establishment of farm infrastructures should also be implemented and lastly farmers will be given other sources of income and livelihood. The root policy for this action is the allocation of a larger budget for agriculture.
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