. Which Documented Essay Topic Is Best Organized By Placing Details In Chronological Order?
Monday, January 27, 2020
Should Young Offenders Be Tried as Adults?
Should Young Offenders Be Tried as Adults? Before Victorian times there were no age district for young offenders and all who got in trouble with the law were send to adult prisons. In our days crime is everywhere, children and young people making crimes starting from drugs and gangs all the way to murder. Young offenders committing more and more crimes these days. For most children and young people, getting into trouble is part of the normal business of growing up, testing the boundaries and finding ones place in the world. There are many reasons why children and young persons start committing crimes: violence at home, money problems, bored dome, learning problems, poor housing, availability of alcohol and drugs, friends influence, low grades at school and etc. Should children and young offenders be treated differently from adults? Social reformers campaigned to protect children from danger and exploitation. One of their key demands was that children should be removed from the adult prison system and placed in privately managed institutions. Mary Carpenter, who argued that three types of institutions were required, free schools for the deprived, industrial schools for young vagrants and beggars, and reformatories for convicted youngsters. (Rutheford, 1986) In England and Wales no child may be guilty of a criminal offence below the age of ten. Between the ages of ten and eighteen, young offenders are dealt with in what is now referred to the youth court, distinguishable in style and approach from the adult magistrates courts, which together with the Crown court, deal with offenders aged 18 or above. (Newburn, 2007) Children who are under ten years old are not responsible and cannot be held for their crimes, they are too young of understanding of consequences of their actions, however in our society today we hear more children under age of ten committing very serious crimes which they should not be doing. For example The Young brothers who subjected two other boys to a 90-minute attack involving torture and sexual humiliation the pair were jailed in January this year to serve at least five years. The media covered the case extensively. The presiding Judge had set a minimum detention period of five years, because the risk the defendants posed to the public and their lack of apparent remorse meant that they were likely to be locked away for considerably longer. (www.guardian.co.uk )The sentences handed to the two brothers who subjected a pair of boys to an attack involving prolonged sadistic violence and sexual humiliation, were appropriate and will not be referred to the court of appeal, according to the statement issued by attorney general Lady Scotland. The trial judge, Mr Justice Keith, jailed the brothers, for a minimum of five years, but the sentences were indeterminate, meaning they ca n only be released if the authorities believe they pose no threat to society. It is important to note that in this case the child protection services had failed the public. If the department had taken action against the perpetrators and made thorough investigation as the boys had a long record of violent attacks against other children and adults, this would have been prevented. Youth between age 14 17 are fully responsible for crimes they commit, but they are treated differently from adults, on the other hand if young offenders are able to commit adult crimes why they should be treated differently? Newburn points out many of the social reformers in the nineteenth century who campaigned to protect children from danger and exploitation demanded that they should be removed from the adult prison system and placed in state funded institutions. (Newburn, 2007) Children Act 1908 barred under 14s from prison and restricted the imprisonment of 14 -15 years old. Young people with experience of custody are likely to be the most at risk of reoffending. This is because they are often the most detached from education, training and employment, and are more likely to misuse drugs and alcohol and have mental health issues, which are all know risk factors (Martin Stephenson, 2007). If young offenders will be treated the same way as adults it is more likely they will commit crimes again, because they will be released from adults prison and will have different point of view then realising from juvenile prison or custody. Bob Holman points out that the move to lock up young people reflected a trend amongst adult offenders. Between December 1992 and December 1993, the proportion of offenders jailed by Crown courts rose from 40 per cent to 52 per cent, with the prison population reaching a record nearly 50,000. Custody must have a place in any justice system. Some people are so violent, so criminal, that their liberty must be removed in order to protect others. (Holman, 1995) The Crime and disorder Act 1998 made really big changes the way England and Wales courts are dealing with young offenders. Under principle, children aged 10 to 13 were presumed to be incapable of criminal intent unless this intent was proved beyond reasonable doubt. Since the 1998 Act there is no longer any legal requirement for the criminal courts to take formal account of a childs age when assessing their culpability. (Hayden, 2007) The population of young people housed in prisons and other secure accommodation is exceedingly needy. Almost one third of young offenders in custody have mental health problems and over half have borderline learning difficulties. The result is that children in custody typically have literacy and numeracy ages some four to five years below their chronological ages. One third was reporting that they take drugs not get high, but just to feel normal (Newburn, 2007) . The British Survey find out that 12 month before entering prison 13 per cent of male young offenders on remand and 11 per cent of those sentenced to custody has received help or treatment for a mental or emotional problem. (Newburn, 2007) In conclusion children and adolescents havent been always treated all that differently from adults. Adolescent is the period in which young people appear to engage in anti social activities including crime. For the majority there is a marked fall in criminal behaviour during early adult life, though a minority continues to persist in their offending carrees. In many ways, therefore, in relation to controlling crime, the aim has been the management of this problem population. For the whole of the last century and into this, children and young offenders have also been seen as a group necessitating an approach different from that employed with adults. (Newburn, 2007) Bibliography www.homeoffice.gov.uk www.guardian.co.uk Hayden, C. (2007). Children in trouble. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Holman, B. (1995). Children Crime. Lion Publishing plc Martin Stephenson, H. G. (2007). Effective Practise in Youth Justice. Canada: Willan Publishing Newburn, T. (2007). Criminology. Canada: Willan Publishing Rutheford, A. (1986). Growing out of crime: Society and Young people in trouble. Penguin
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Islamic Art Essay
To start this topic, the first question that arises in the mind is that what is art? Basically art is not a word, which has a specific definition, but in literal meanings art can be defined as a spiritual sense of a human being, which he or she notes down in an artistic way. Art refers to creativity. Creativity is something very similar to art. The human mind is a congregation of many ideas. These ideas when get note down beautifully on a piece of paper, it is called an art. An artwork is usually considered as a masterpiece when its concept reaches the mind of the people and it is considered as an appreciable piece of work among the people. Masterpieces of art are just not paintings but spray painting, wall painting and other forms of art created for buildings are much appreciable. Islam is not only a religion but it is a way to lead a happy life. Islamic culture and traditions express its importance in the life of a person. Islam has always supported everything either it is of any field. Today the topic is about arts in Islamic religion so an outlook on the past Mughal and Muslim rulers will serve the arts in Islam as a great commodity. Islamic art is not only features which have been introduced to make beautiful mosques or tombs but in fact in true and literal meanings Islamic art is a beautiful creativity which is in every country conquered by Muslims in past centuries. Muslim art has been one of the wonderful one in the world. Islam is not only a religion but it is a pattern of life. It is a beautiful way of life through which every new aspect of creativity has been launched. The reason of Muslim art is not only extension in this field but to introduce new designs throughout the world and improve skills, which have been unknown since centuries. The newly conquered lands by the Muslims have many things old created by the Muslim rulers of past centuries. However, the architectures working there are now working according to the Muslim motifs and strategy. It has been a fact in almost every era that Muslims have succeeded in every field of creativity and this can be seen in Agra. Taj Mahal is considered as one of the most beautiful monuments of the Sub continent. Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beautiful wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is still recognized as one of the most beautiful monuments of the Sub continent. The grave of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan lies inside the Taj Mahal and the beautiful calligraphy and textile designing on the beautiful bluish tiles can be seen from inside. But something really drastic happened with the laborers who built Taj Mahal. According to resources some 22,000 laborers built it and after its completion the laborers lost their hands as Shah Jahan said that no body could be able to build such a beautiful monument. This incident rocked the world but still now the laborers are not valued for their creativity but Shah Jahan is praised for laying the base of such a beautiful monument. â€Å"In the time of Muhammad the Arabs had little or no art of their own, but, in their conquest of Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Iran they adopted the highly developed art of these countries. It is known from literary sources that the caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty (661-749) requisitioned materials and craftsmen from all the provinces for the construction of new cities, palaces, and mosques. Byzantine and Syrian masochists were employed to decorate the mosque at Damascus, for which an Iranian was the chief architect. Artists from Egypt worked in Jerusalem, Damascus, and Mecca. †(Dimand, 1947) It is a fact that Muslims in the beginning had no art of their own but soon as they started conquering other Muslim countries, they started introducing various forms of art and cultures adapted from other civilizations. Islamic art is basically an old art form, which started ruling the territories since seventh century. It reached the minds and eyes of people when Muslim rulers of past started preaching of their wonderful ideas. The fields in Muslim arts contain ceramic painting, calligraphy, painting and architecture. There is a sort of unity among the Islamic arts and artists. The merchants, traders who buy the antique pieces created by Muslim artists of high quality have much more understanding with the consumers than any other buyer or sellers around the world. Moreover, the art of ornaments among Muslim craftsmen is an art of great common sense and attention or concentration. Today, Muslim ornaments of past and present are valued most among the people. Muslim jewellery is much more appreciable than that of any other country. The most important feature in the classification of the Muslim art is architecture. Because of pious mosques and imambargah’s the Muslim architectures have to work very hard on the designs and decoration motifs of the mosques they are building. Muslims have many beautiful mosques and religious and visiting monuments on their credit such as the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Dome of the Rock mosque and the Taj Mahal. Apart all of that the religious places, such as Kahan-e-Kaaba and the Shrine of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A. S, whose dome is made of gold). Besides architecture another important and most valued feature in Islamic art is of calligraphy. Calligraphy plays an important role in the history of Islam. Islam values calligraphy both piously and artistically. Artistically Muslim calligraphy is of high quality and piously it is used for writing the phrases of Quranic. Quranic verses when written through calligraphic wittings look more beautiful than ever. Besides all of these creations Islamic artists or craftsmen have been master in metal work and pottery making. The sand of nearly all-Muslim countries is very fertile being close to rivers and seas so pottery work is very courageous here and appreciated too. Metal making, carpet weaving and ceramic work are also very common features in all of the Muslim countries especially in villages that is the reason why Muslim art is so much demanded in all of the foreign countries. â€Å"Islamic Art is an illustrated history that takes a broad approach, covering architecture, crafts, and aesthetics as well as â€Å"art†in the narrow sense, and placing them within their social and historical context. It extends to around 1700, but does not cover the entire Islamic world, only the arid area from Morocco to Afghanistan. Mosques are central to Islamic architecture, but have by no means been static. â€Å"Minarets may now be seen as entirely characteristic of Muslim religious architecture, but the very first mosques had none. †Patronage was critical, and rulers often reworked earlier buildings, making major monuments â€Å"architectural palimpsests. †(Irwin, 1997) Islamic art has always been a way to enhance the skills of workers and people who work for the betterment of Islamic society. Islam is not just a religion but it is a patron to lead a happy life. Even today many visitors from foreign countries and people interested in arts and crafts come to see the creativity or Muslim artists, who work according to the Islamic principles and bring out the designs of those Mughal Muslim rulers who have been now hidden under some old rocks. It can be said like that â€Å"Removing the sand from old rocks†. Conclusion Muslim art has been defined clearly. Research clearly shows that Muslim art is one of the most demanded and old forms of art in the world. Muslims has been working in this field since 7th century. However, when Muslims started conquering other states, they introduced new forms of art and craft there and now they are conquering the peaks of this creativity. Muslims and Islam has always guided people throughout their life in every field. Islam gives us better knowledge to lend a wise and proper life. Islam has given a perspective to us. Today if Muslims are reaching high in this creative field then it is just because of the principles of our prophets and the guidance of Islam. Following of Islamic principles can lend to live a better and happy life and through this one can be able to touch those peaks, which sometimes remained in just imaginations. References M. S. Dimand, (1947), A Handbook of Muhammadan Art, Hartsdale House. New York Robert Irwin. Irwin Islamic Art: Art, Architecture and the Literary World. Laurence King 1997.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Mt everst
Have you ever thought about climbing Mt. Everest? Well, Sir Edman Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first people who did. The simarities and differances of â€Å"View from the Summit†by Sir Edman Hillary and the â€Å"The Dream comes True†by Tenzing Norgay are similiar about the events to the top of Mt. Everest, but they're also different in their backgrounds and emotions. They are similiar because they both made it to the top of Everest at 1 1 :30 am. A example is Hillary said, â€Å"At 1 1 :30 am May 29th they reached the top. †Tenzing also said the same thing. They're also similiar because they both had flags at the top of the summit.A example would be Hillary took a picture of Tenzing with the flags at the top. Another example is Tenzing held the United Nation flag the highest under British, Nepals, and Indians below his picture. Finially, they're similiar in the hard challenge they took on before the summit. A example is that Hillary said, â€Å"The ic e cornice would be a challenge. †A second example would be Tenzing said, â€Å"The last chalenge was a struggle. †The two stories are different in their backgrounds. Examples of this is Hillary was a famous climber from Britain while, Norgay was a local guide from Nepal. They were also different in their styles of writing.Hillary wrote more about facts. Fro example 1 5-27'C. Thenzings has more emotional opinions. Finally, they were also different on how they performed the prestiage of Everest. A example is Hillary said, â€Å"l didn't need Tenzings help. †Although, Tenzing said â€Å"Hillary did need my help. †Those are only Just a few similarities they had in their climb to the top of Mt. Everest. They're similiar in the time they reched the top, the flags, and the challenge before the summit. They're different in their backgrounds, styles of writing, and how they performed. Do you still think you would want to climb Mt. Everest or not?
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Argumentative Essay On Teen Pregnancy - 846 Words
Teen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is a major concern in our society, but does it benefit or hinder our teen parents? The U.S teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations, additionally, a total of over 229,000 babies were born to women aged 15-19 years in 2015 for a rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group (CDC, 2017). While becoming a parent is a wonderful experience and a blessing, teen pregnancy should be prevented because the health behaviors associated with teen pregnancy are hazardous to good health, increases the parent’s school dropout rate, and causes substantial social and economic costs through impacts on teen parents and their children. Health Behaviors and Impacts First, teen†¦show more content†¦Initiatives to ensure our teenagers in our communities receive this type of education is crucial in the prevention of teen pregnancies and health complications. Additionally, as parents and educators, we must acknowledge that positive communication is extremely important in protecting teens from engaging in all of the risk factors mentioned earlier and research has shown that teens who have open communication with their parents delay sexual activity. Communication about peer pressure, community culture, and family dynamics will make teens aware of the added risks. They need to know that there are factors which increase the likelihood of teen pregnancy like living in a single parent household, having friends who are sexually active, dating at an early age, lack of accurate sexual and reproductive health information. Social and Economic Cost Additionally, teen pregnancies increase the parent’s school dropout rate causing lower educational attainment and earnings (Diaz Fiel, 2016). It causes substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children. The cost and time consumed with being a teenage parent forces them to sacrifice investments in their own education and training. Consequently, this hinders employment opportunities making it harder to earn a decent amount of money or complete a high school diploma let alone a college degree. 30% of all teenage girls who drop out of school mention pregnancyShow MoreRelatedThe Case For Rights Education1665 Words  | 7 PagesExperimental Writing, and Metamodern Studies. Using this article on an argumentative essay will be achieved by using it as a supporting source on the consequences of a young adult not attending sex education courses. â€Å"American Teens’ Sources of Sexual Health Education. Guttmatcher Institue, Apr. 2016, www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/facts-american-teens-sources-information-about-sex. Accessed 21 Nov. 2016. 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