. Which Documented Essay Topic Is Best Organized By Placing Details In Chronological Order?
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
SAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SAP - Essay Example By utilizing SAP arrangements, associations everything being equal - including little and moderate size ventures - can diminish costs, improve execution, and addition the deftness to react to changing business needs. A considerable lot of the present most productive organizations run ERP arrangements from SAP. Considering the noteworthy interest in SAP ERP frameworks, alongside the inexorably requesting and serious business condition, associations need to accomplish return on the speculation. SAP ERP arrangements take organizations far toward normalizing - uniting interrelated business forms under a standard design that enables the venture to turn out to be progressively proficient, gainful and spry because of changing business conditions. Inside the undertaking, SAP ERP arrangements work superbly of mechanizing and incorporating numerous parts of business forms. SAP ERP has broad help for different business forms and can be shaped by singular necessities. SAP can be utilized with different databases at backend. Customizations in SAP should be possible utilizing their Net-Weaver programming bundle intended to give a graphical UI to make customizations and furthermore gives highlights to code the customizations required. Prophet applications give business data to viable dynamic, empower a versatile endeavor for ideal responsiveness, and offer an unrivaled all out proprietorship experience that drives productivity. Prophet is focused on giving the main answers for your industry, including banking, protection, interchanges, life sciences, fabricating, retail, open part, and cutting edge. Prophet Applications, running on an establishment of Oracle innovation, address the exceptional business needs and difficulties of your industry. Prophet gives additional highlights of information mining, warehousing and CASE devices as beneficial bundles to improve the capacities of the Oracle Applications and their ERP bundle. Prophet gives prophet or some other front end interface to be utilized with Oracle applications. Prophet gives its clients a simple to utilize programming bundles with next to no preparation and learning required. SAP versus Oracle Prophet E-Business Suite (Prophet) SAP R/3 (SAP) Does the General Ledger Module Support: 1 Numerous Currency Transactions Y Y 2 Unknown dialect Y Y 3 Solidifications Y Y 4 Designations Y Y 5 Factual Accounts Y Y 6 Email Financial Statements Y N 7 Booked Financial Statements Y N 8 GL Drill Down to Source Document Y Y 9 Fiscal report Drill down Y Y Does the Inventory Module Support: 10 Lattice Pricing Y Y 11 Sequential Numbers Y Y 12 Different Bins Y Y 13 Part Tracking Y Y 14 Different Warehouses Y Y 15 Pictures Y Y 16 Standardized tag Tracking Y Y 17 Transfer Inventory Y Y 18 Time span of usability Tracking Y Y 19 Bill of Materials Processing Y Y 20 Detonating and Imploding Quantities Y Y Does the Project Costing Module Support: 21 Assessing Y Y 22 Time and Billing Y Y 23 Retainage Y Y 24 Occupation Phases Y Y 25 Asset Tracking Y Y 26 Basic Path Reporting N Y 27 Energetic Charts N Y 28 A.I.A. Charging Y Y Do the Manufacturing Modules support: 29 A Product Configurator Y Y 30 Staggered Bill of Materials Y Y 31 Creation Planning N Y 32 Machine
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Portrayal of Women in Homers Odyssey Essay -- Homer Odyssey womody
The Portrayal of Women in Homer's Odyssey In the primary area of Odyssey, mortal ladies are introduced to us as constrained by the generalizations and desires for the way of life of the day, and it is just inside that setting that we can consider the models Homer gives of ladies to be appreciated or detested. He gives us clear differences, among Penelope and Eurycleia from one perspective, and Helen and Clytemnaestra on the other. In Penelope’s case, it is clarified that her opportunity of activity is carefully controlled. Antinous doesn't hesitate to prompt Telemachus that as Odysseus is accepted dead, it is normal that Helen will pick another spouse, or her dad ought to do as such for her. Telemachus doesn't challenge the rationale of this, just assaults the suitors’ conduct and questions whether Odysseus is dead. Thus Penelope is diminished to utilizing the inactive and ‘feminine’ protections of keeping the admirers sitting tight for a choice, and falling back on the deception of weaving and unweaving her loom day by day. We likewise witness Penelope being ‘put in her place’ by Telemachus when she comes do...
Sunday, August 16, 2020
5 Ways to Apply Project Management Methods in Your School
5 Ways to Apply Project Management Methods in Your School I have experienced the frustrations and challenges that leaders in schools face from both sides of the fence. As a teacher and leader myself I had to constantly shift and adjust to changing goal posts, work around shrinking deadlines and time limits, and still try to remain calm and collected. As a consultant at LearnMaker I work with a wide range of leadership teams to apply theories behind effective project management in school. In this article I will offer ideas, practical steps, and personal experience spanning over ten years in education, and over three years working with multinational companies, to share with you what weve found to work well. So to begin, one of the fundamental systems that every school must develop is the ability to manage projects. With a simple management process, schools can overcome problems with organisation, communication and tracking. In this post I’ll provide 5 steps on how to adapt and apply these processes in your school. 1.Keep everyone in the loop Ever been to a meeting that lasted for over two hours or where the previous items were never followed through? My teaching career was crammed with meetings like these, in fact most meetings I attended were rarely less than an hour, and often ended in a discussion about something completely irrelevant to the task at hand. Often meeting agendas were sent through on the day, rooms changed last minute, important attendees were absent and items were changed during the meeting. Not very productive. The key is to have one system in which everyone is kept in the loop. You may need to have private conversations with individuals within your team but, a central and simple system is imperative, for this we use MeisterTask. One of the difficulties when managing a project is making sure everyone is notified. I’ve had this problem on many occasions. You send out an email to all relevant team members but accidentally leave someone off the list, so need to send it out again. These actions take time, cause stress, and slow down the project. Similarly, in most schools Ive taught in, theres a preferred device to use, so if you turn up with a mobile phone that isn’t supported you often have to cobble together a solution of workarounds. Having a system which works across platforms, and is truly mobile is fantastic. It means your team members can have notifications as they like. Perhaps a pop-up on their phones or an email breakdown of the day’s events. Staff members can work how they like, while guided by the system and free to interact how they see fit, as they don’t need to be at their class desktop. Using MeisterTask, team members on the right-hand column have one single place to chat, share resources, and work collaboratively. The simple commenting system, coupled with notifications, means teams have one point of contact for any project. 2. Liven up your planning documents As a teacher, the process of working on planning documents would always frustrate me. We would hold planning meetings using various versions of the same school improvement document annotated by hand, reprinted, online versions, sketches and notes. We would spend hours trying to consolidate the different versions as they were never up-to-date. Having a central place to store, share and work collaboratively on resources means your team can work on live documents, monitor version changes, and communicate and annotate on team documents. Once every so often our IT school improvement plan would be wheeled out (sometimes literally, when printed they were huge folders) and the senior team and teaching staff would run through it, perhaps updating, mostly discussing what went wrong or not. Inevitably these meetings would last forever and nothing substantial would get done. The problem always came down to communication. People were left out of the loop, tasks were left undone, or people had conversations that weren’t recorded. Often deadlines were missed. Having a project management system which included all of the relevant details a breakdown of tasks, staff members responsible, projected cost, deadline, and benefits if the tasks were completed would have solved virtually all of the issues I witnessed. 3. Talk in one place Many schools have several methods which allow staff to communicate well often though, many leaders find communication is one of the key challenges they struggle to solve. In my experience, the difficulty in communication comes down to a maths problem. In a typical school, you would expect teachers and leaders to use the following ‘basic’ communication routes: Face to face conversation Email Telephone Paper message If you think of these as multipliers, one conversation could have many multiple routes to confusion. For example, I have a face to face conversation with you in the corridor about a meeting next week. I say I will email you the details. Back at my office I send you an email and type an agenda to place in your pigeon hole. You read the agenda, and phone me for a slight alteration. I email back the adjustment, then print a copy for all the staff. You can see how this could get tricky with multiple staff, each having multiple ways of communicating it becomes a spider’s web of communication lines. The odds of something going wrong or being left out increasing dramatically with each multiplier. Now if you layer onto that the movement and alteration of documents, the communications system becomes far more complicated. In addition, staff often use different devices some have mobile phones, others tablets, some use good old desktop PC. One version of the file won’t open correctly on a particular device so we have to convert the file to make it work. A nightmare is created. This, I can guarantee, has or will happen at some point in your school. Being able to manage communication and file sharing through one project management system means your staff will only have one place to go to find what they need. Attachments can be viewed at the click of a button and don’t have to be searched for in a folder structure that requires a Doctorate to understand. You can quickly search through the whole of MeisterTask in one click. 4. Keeping track The key to a successfully managed team, and to avoid your own burn out, is to ensure team members are; accountable, responsible, and driven. I have found that initially when we talk about these things, accountability is often misconceived as ‘passing the buck’, with responsibility seen as forced delegation. Staff gather evidence to cover their back, rather than focusing on the positives of the challenge. Ive found that by having a system where staff can see everything thats going on, with the number of private conversations and projects minimised, this issue quickly fades. A way to achieve this is by having a system which encourages the ‘informal’, allowing users to add profile photos so that everyone can see who has been delegated each task. A massive benefit to allocating tasks on MeisterTask is the ability to hand over work when team members leave or join the project. There are many occasions where teachers do this, particularly new or training teachers who need to be orientated. A project management system like MeisterTask, allows new team members to be delegated tasks quickly and simply, as well as see what their colleagues are up to within the project overview. 5. Money constraints Two things that always ring true in life: there is never enough money, and there is never enough time. Being able to save or reduce either of these is the golden ticket to great project management. When I look at the volume of emails school leaders have to tolerate, I go mad. If we just focus on emails relating to project management the emails notifying changes, asking for ideas or for approval â€" the emails still take time to process. Not long for each one, granted, but the sum total of the minutes are significant. By simply moving this type of email into a project management system, you will be surprised by how much time is freed up. In one primary school we managed to save over 4 hours a week by simply changing attitudes to email use in school. One 30-minute session on using email led to 4 hours saved per team member, which for a team of 7 meant 28 hours a week or about 1000 staff hours a year. Big numbers, by just working a few little things out. I first started using the free version of MeisterTask when LearnMaker was launched. When Jay and I started the company a few years ago, we had very little money, we joke we were living on beans, and it wasn’t that far off! We made the decision early on that we would need to be device agnostic, as our consultancy would focus on ideas and attitudes, not brands or devices. As such we wanted to shift as much of the ‘work’ our IT systems would use, into the cloud. In theory this is a great idea. Although, most cloud solutions cost, MeisterTask was the only free system I could find which integrated for free into Google Drive. For me this was key. We used Google Drive as a cheap alternative to expensive servers at the company offices, reducing costs massively. Subsequently, moving to the cloud is something we suggest to every school we work with. I have successfully managed 5 school projects using the free versions of MeisterTask, all concurrently. If you have the money, the Pro level is fantastic but you can even benefit instantly from using the free version. Key Takeaways So those are my steps for applying project management ideas in your school. If you have comments or more tips to add, please share below and with my leader hat on, here are the key take aways to consolidate the learning: Applying project management in school could be anything from lesson and curriculum planning, to working on a new campus or building Use a system which allows staff and leaders to communicate quickly and simply across multiple platforms and devices Make use of a project management system which tracks time, tasks and discussions this will allow you to save time and reduce the stress of project management Money constraints shouldn’t limit you when wanting to use a project management system. LearnMaker have used free versions of MeisterTask to manage large and complex projects in the past. Project management made simple.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay about Divorce - The Movie - 594 Words
Divorce - The Movie In society today, divorce is common with approximately 60% of marriages not lasting. Prior to their parents splitting up, children struggle with how to thrive in an environment where their parents are constantly arguing. This is the backdrop for my screenplay. One of the protagonists, Kristi, is an artist who goes running for several hours every night, returning after midnight when she is certain that her parents are asleep. She is a thoughtful and taciturn character who thinks that she is to blame for the problems that her parents are experiencing. As time progresses, Kristi becomes increasingly hopeless about her life and her paintings reflect her emotions because Kristi uses increasing amounts of dark colors.†¦show more content†¦After trying without success to get Kristi to talk about what is happening with her family, Amelia runs with Kristi one night. After they are gone for about an hour, they return and Kristis parents are still fighting. They both decide to spend ti me in Amelias bedroom. Amelia tells Kristi that she is impressed by her ability to run fast. Kristi replies that it is what she must do to get away from her parents every night. Amelia suggests that Kristi join the cross-country with her the next spring, but Kristi is not interested. Amelia asks Kristi what she has to lose and Kristi replies time, an answer that does not impress her friend. Amelia asks Kristi if she will try being on the cross-country team for four weeks so that she can see how it goes. Kristi agrees. Kristi discovers that she loves to run every day after school. Her parents get divorced midway through the second semester. She annoys Amelia by her ability to run faster. The two friends constantly race each other and both improve as a result. Depiction of males should also be examined. This can be done by having Kristis younger brother, William, also participating in sports. He plays basketball because his father forces him to do so and he consequently lacks the athletic drive that his sister possesses. William can be far more focused on his appearance than his tomboy sister Kristi. He is also moody most of the time and shouts at his family member,Show MoreRelatedLiar And The Movie Liar Jekyll And Audrey Have Been Divorced For No More Than A Couple Years817 Words  | 4 PagesLiar, Liar Divorce Evaluation In the movie Liar Liar Fletcher and Audrey have been divorced for no more than a couple years. This movie portrays the process of how the family deals with splitting time with their son, Max, and the influence of new relationships. Audrey seems to have full custody of their son Max. While Fletcher is a workaholic lawyer who can never seem to make time for Max. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How Music Effects People - 1583 Words
Music does have an Effect on Peoples Moods, Emotions Actions Music has an exceptional way of transcending feelings, emotions, and information across the world. It is a beautiful, yet powerful force is composed of feeling, abundance, and raw emotion and influences our way of dress, our dialect and even our own moral fiber. It can be as simple as the beat created by walking on the planks of a deck, or as intricate as a twelve part symphony. This thesis will examine how music as a whole, effects peoples mind, body, actions, moods and emotions. As music is also an amazing persuasive device, this examination also answers three main underlining questions; does drug use with youth and music have a connection? What are some reason people act†¦show more content†¦When rock music had violent lyrics the people that was used for research there attitudes and emotions were different then prior to listening to the song. All of them were more aggressive towards political issues and towards there spouses, but necessarily in a negative way, but more aggression in speech and in there attitude in how they approached situations that involved emotional reaction (Anderson 121). As for the rap, genre people that were tested for this had varied emotional differences. 29% seemed more aggressive, 15% had no change, 11% felt more comfortable, 41% felt like it was a story telling session, and the other 4% and no data reported. Can tempo and the change of beats in music change mood mediation? Beats and timing is the basis of music. A little tap on wood is music. Anything rhythmic that changes emotion and moods is what is being researched here. A fast paced rock or ska song makes people (in study shown here by William Balch) want to get up and dance, but when it comes to a love Ballard by Luther Vandros or Barry White, a feeling of warmth and longing for your significant other becomes evident. When asked of what colors can be used to see how they feel when listening to those two genre types, orange and red was used for rock and ska, blue was mostly used for the love Ballard. Tempo and beats is what causes people to bounce there heads or to feel warmth within, causing energy levels toShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness of Music Therapy Essay1564 Words  | 7 PagesMusic is composed of sounds intertwined with melody and rhythm that can have powerful effects on a person. It can help people focus on tasks or c alm the mind. Research has shown that music has beneficial effects on the mind, body, and health of a person. A journal article by Rastogi, Solanki, and Zafar (2013) refers, on the contrary, to: ‘Controlled use of music and its influence on the human being in physiological, psychological, and emotional integration of the individual during treatment of anRead MoreBudget Cuts are Destroying Music Education: Music Programs are Essential to Education1082 Words  | 5 Pageshistory music has played an important role in society, whether it was Mozart moving people with his newest opera or the latest album from the Beatles. Where would society be today without music? With schools cutting their music programs, the next Mozart may not get his chance to discover his amazing talent. Music programs are essential to education. To fully understand this one must understand how music helps the human body, why schools have cut music programs, and why people should learn music. Read MoreThe Scientific Discipline Of Music Therapy1488 Words  | 6 Pagesmood, turned on some music, and suddenly felt better? Music just has that type of effect on people. The scientific discipline of music therapy emerged in the 1940’s to soothe wounded World War 2 soldiers returning home (â€Å"Power Chords†). It has this effect that can get from feeling down and in the dumps to cheerful and happy. There are not many people who don’t appreciate music in all its glory. Then again not many people appreciate the effect music has on our moods and how it relates to our livesRead MoreMusic Is The Most Popular Music938 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to Oxford’s dictionary, music is â€Å"the vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form harmony, and expression of emotion.†Music has been around for a very long time. Music has been an influenced since the beginning of time from the beats and rhythm t o just make a nice flow of a song. Music history is sometimes a historical viewpoint in society. Besides, music is breaking down into five main categories: Jazz, Classical, Rhythm and Blues, Pop, RapRead MoreEffects Of Music On Memory And Studying1636 Words  | 7 Pages EFFECTS OF MUSIC ON STUDYING OR MEMORY Arshdeep Singh Ms. Jackie Quantz June 8, 2016 Arshdeep Singh 9023-105 A Avenue NW Edmonton, Alberta T6T0M1 June 8, 2016 Ms. Jackie Quantz Business Communications Instructor Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 11762 – 106 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1 Dear Ms. Quantz: The report below tells us about the information regarding music and it’s classification. The report also describes about the effects of music on memory andRead MoreThe Effect of Music on Teens819 Words  | 3 PagesThe Effect of Music on Teens â€Å"Stand up for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.†This shows how music artists have a big influence on teen’s lives. Many people that that singers play a negative role in teen’s lives today, however, they actually work to help their audience. Many music artists know about the problems that teens are going through and write their lyrics to influence them in a positive way. Music can also help to relax the mind, which helps with concentration andRead MoreHow Music Has An Effect On The Human Brain1561 Words  | 7 PagesDonald A. Hodges and Robin W. Wilkins, two professors of music education at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro have done research and wrote about their findings as it relates to how and why music has an effect on the human brain, in an article entitled How and Why Does Music Move Us?: Answers from Psychology and Neuroscience. In the article they go over the technique used to examine the brain’s interco nnectivity as people listen to music. This technique is called Network Science. They writeRead MoreMusic And Its Importance On The Human Brain1605 Words  | 7 PagesPartida Ms.Ponder English IV, 6 Pd. 28 February,2015 Music And Its Importance On The Human Brain Music affects people of all ages developmentally , intellectually and medically as well as it affects their social , personal lives. In other words, music affects the way in which we think , behave and feel. Music tends to have a positive effect on the transfer of learning. For example , learning to play an instrument enhances the ability to rememberRead MoreRap Music : Hip Hop Essay1509 Words  | 7 PagesRap, or hip hop as some call it, ranks in the top ten of most popular music genres in the world. Since it burst on the scene in the late 1970s, rap music changed the landscape of the music industry, especially for African-American artists. The genre accredited some of the biggest names in the music industry. Popular artists like LL Cool J, Tupac, Notorious B. I. G., Jay-Z, Kanye West, and many others produce, or have produced, millions of hip-hop records. The secret to the success of hip hop centersRead MoreIntroduction:. How Many People Listen To Music? That Is1747 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction: How many people listen to music? That is a pretty open-ended question considering that in this day in age music exists everywhere. People run into music at the mall, at work, or any public place for that matter, on the radio, in the comfort of their own homes, and etcetera. Music is a part of our society, and it cannot be separated from us. It is used to convey emotion when nothing else can, and it is a great art form and recreational activity. But, how does music affect us in any way
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Alien Coursework Free Essays
I am in this room alone, petrified and exasperated of what the humans did to me. They attempted to execute me just because I was unequivelent to them. My feelings are hurt, they aren’t adequate words in this world to portray my feelings. We will write a custom essay sample on Alien Coursework or any similar topic only for you Order Now I was innocent, my only felony was being born an alien . Surviving that harrowing assault was simply impossible. I have mixed emotions about surviving the attack, I’m ecstatic to get out alive, but a part of me wishes I just perished in that attack in order to exit my long-term melancholy. Not knowing where I was, was an idea that petrified me. Observing my other friends getting murdered was an indescribable horror. I am now left solitary in this abnormal world, This whole incident has been appalling, I never thought in a million years that I’d have to face such a tough ordeal. Thank god the humans living in this house don’t know where I am, or else I would’ve been brutally slaughtered too. Those humans are callous , any random creature they see, they will jump to the conclusion that this creature is detrimental also must be eliminated from this planet. My feelings for the humans is filled with vexation, they literally took my life away. A part of me doesn’t blame them because some people don’t intend to hurt us, they are just simply intimidated and only want to protect their loved ones from this contrasting creature. All I want to do now is go home. I am working really hard to find a way out of this world, it took time, but I finally came to the conclusion that there is just no way out of here. My nightmare has arrived and that is being trapped with people who loathe you and also are out there to dispatch you. Whatever happened to the saying â€Å"Where there’s a will there’s a way†? I explicitly have the will but couldn’t figure out the way. Perhaps I should’ve died along with my fellow friends who were with me in this entire tribulation. Being dead is certainly much better than thinking of what do next. Continuation Next page As my friends vanished, I felt that I vanished too. They were a part of me, If they were not gone I would collaborate with them. All I want to do now is get out of this gruesome planet, find a new futuristic place where people actually adore and appreciate you, also treat you benevolently. But I know, this is all a hallucination and is dubious to become true. I have no idea where life will take me next, but I do know I want to get out of this ghastly house. I have learned today that life is arduous. No matter what you do there will always going to be some complications that are unpreventable, but it all comes down to how you face your problems. The way I’m going to face it is move on and try to forget about what happened, I ought to acquire a way out of here. How to cite Alien Coursework, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
A Jack of All Trades The Importance of Being Well Essay Example For Students
A Jack of All Trades: The Importance of Being Well Essay -Rounded in the WorkplaceA JACK OF ALL TRADES: The Importance of Being Well-Rounded in the WorkplaceSubmitted to Robert P. Campbell byDeron R. Dantzlerin partial fulfillment of CARD410. June 19, 2005IntroductionThere are literally hundreds of desirable traits in the workplace. Of these, one of the arguably most important is to be well-rounded in the workplace. Many skills can assist an individual in being a well-rounded employee. Oral communication skills, written communication skills, teamwork, technical skills, leadership skills, adaptation skills, computer skills, interpersonal skills and analytic abilities are some of the key factors to a well-rounded employee. While these skills all seem to be of equal ability to the well-rounded employee, the scope of this paper will only delve into a few of the skills preceding. Technical skills, oral communication skills and leadership skills will all be detailed in this review in an attempt to help you (the reader) become a well-rounded employee. Technical Skills in the WorkplaceTechnical skills are the formal name for the knowledge to perform the task at hand. One acquires technical skills by training in formal school systems or in the work environment. Experience is probably one of the most important factors in growing your technical skill in a subject. The importance of technical skills in the workplace is undeniable. Without the knowledge of the subject at hand, there is virtually no way possible to be a well-rounded person. Without technical skills you are not likely to be able to even do the job at hand. Heres a brief story for example about an individual in the workplace, and how his lack of technical skills hindered his ability to be well rounded in the workplace, and eventually cost him his job. John was a college graduate with a degree in Computer Science. He had completed his degree with a GPA of 3.5. He began his search for a job immediately following his graduation and landed a great job in the technology field b ased on his merit and because of his professionalism and great communication skills. However, John had very little practical knowledge that is used in the IT field. He had no past experience beyond his degree, no industry level certifications. While his education had trained him in many different facets of computer technology, he lacked the one driving technical skill to help him determine where he would be best suited. It turns out the job that he landed was in computer networking, and when his initial review came up in 3 months, the company decided that they were going to let him go because of his lack of technical skills and because they wanted someone more experienced who actually knew how to do the job. Because of Johns failure to be a well-rounded employee, and failure to have technical skills, he lost his job. But the big question is: What does John do now? How can he obtain the technical skills that he lacked before so that he will be able to keep his next job? John was mislead into believing that his degree would provide him with all of the information that he needed in order to compete in the workplace. One of the options that he should have heavily considered in college is internships. Now he decides that he will take some certification level courses to help get him on track. He uses these courses to build his confidence level and his technical skill set. He excels in his next job because his great oral communication skills are a wonderful supplement to his technical knowledge. .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e , .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .postImageUrl , .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e , .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:hover , .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:visited , .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:active { border:0!important; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:active , .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue61a3e3e97ceee3b6b01c79ebc8b7e9e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Despite his final words of comfort, his followers EssayOral Communication SkillsFor obvious reasons, technical skills are important in the workplace. Likewise, oral communication skills are a no-brainer in the workplace as well as in our personal lives. The National Association of Colleges and Employers conducted a survey of hundreds of employers to determine the skills they desire in potential employees. The result showed overwhelmingly that oral communication skills were the most important to the sample set (http://ustudies.semo.edu/oralcom/importance_oc_skills.htm). Based on this information and common sense, one can easily see the importance of oral communication skills in the workplace. It is vital than individuals be able to express themselves and understand others to be successful in the work environment. There are several oral communication skills that are the keys to positive communication. ListeningPositive attitude and a genuine regard for othersHonestyOpenness and willingness to share about oneselfFlexibility (open-minded)Sense of humorInterpretation (Getting the right message)There are oodles of books on the subject of oral communication. Many of these books will help a reader understand how to build oral communication skills. One of the major issues is not shying away from speaking opportunities and actually practicing and taking time to build on your communication skills. Great oral communication skills start on the inside. You need to have great self-esteem and a great sense of self in order to be an effective oral communicator. Oft en people lacking in oral communication skills are not only not well-rounded in the workplace, they also have a hard time getting a position in the workforce. This is especially the case in which customer service and customer relations are involved. This shows with obvious reasons the importance of begin a great oral communicator. Lets take a look at Frank in our second example. Frank had worked at an organization for nearly 2 years. He was known as being somewhat shy and reserved. He has otherwise performed very well on the job. He is great at the technical job that he performs. Recently, a vice president of the company came to the local office to discuss the budget situation in Franks department. Frank stumbled and fumbled when he was having the discussion with the VP, and made himself and the entire department look bad because of his inability to effectively communicate what was going on in the department. It turns out that the VP was visiting to determine which departments could be eliminated since the company was going through budget cuts. While Franks department was actually a great asset to the organization, it was chosen for elimination primarily because of Franks failure in the oral communication realm. Leadership SkillsAs the last topic to help our reader become a well-rounded employee, leadership skills are essential. Being able to lead is essential for more than just being well-rounded. Leadership roles typically provide higher compensation and are typically management positions or plateaus in the workplace. Being a leader is important because it provides the individual with a sense of self-accomplishment. In general, leaders help direct the organization in the path that the organization needs to go. Leadership skills like all other skills reviewed in this paper need to be practiced and developed. There are many courses and course study programs to assist one in becoming a great leader. Once again, similar to communication skills, often leaders are born. Leadership skills are character traits that people can be born with. One of the best ways to improve your leadership skills is by simply putting yourself in the position to be a leader. When a team project or role is offered, it is important that you put yourself in the best position to accept the role and give yourself the opportunity to lead. If you shy away, you will not have the opportunity to learn and improve your leadership skills. .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 , .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .postImageUrl , .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 , .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:hover , .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:visited , .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:active { border:0!important; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:active , .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777 .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u066940bd07072170f507888fdfcec777:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: caeser EssayMany books are also written on the topic to help one excel as a leader. For now, lets look at an example of how leadership skills can be used to help an individual be successful in the workplace. Susan, a friend of mine was provided with the opportunity to take a role in a team leadership position because of her great oral communication skills and her technical knowledge of the task at hand. When given the opportunity, she rose to the occasion and took the leadership spot. Using her communication skills to help organize the team and help the team reach micro goals, the team eventually completed the project in due course and Susan was placed in a management position because of the excellence with which she lead the team to success. In the example above we can clearly see the benefits of being a great leader in the workplace as well as the benefits of balancing the three skills that we have detailed. ConclusionIn conclusion, you should have garnered a few important bits of information here. You should realize the importance of having the technical skills in the workplace, having great oral communication skills, and having great leadership skills. However, remember that there are also many other important traits in the workplace. Weve talked about some of the others in the introduction. The most important piece of information that you should learn is that success is driven not by just being the greatest in one of these skills, yet a pleasant balance of all are what will help you get there. Examples of this were shown earlier. Frank had great technical skills that had helped him excel in the workplace. However, he lost his job because of his inability to effectively use oral communication to convey this message to upper management. Sarah was able to gain a promotion by showing a pleasant balance of all three traits that were discussed today. The most important message that I hope that you gather from reading this today is without a doubt be the importance of being a jack of all trades in the workplace. In todays competitive business world, the importance of balancing these and other positive work skills is greater now than ever before.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Big Bang Theory Essays (1197 words) - Religious Controversies, Magic
Big Bang Theory 1. The most obvious unscientific theory that I can think of today, would be religion. Religion is possibly one of the biggest influences in our lives, and there is no scientific way to even prove that it exists. I asked a few friends of mine, who are religious, why they believe in a God. The first that I asked hemmed and hawed and when I finally had to threaten him to spit out an answer, he said, "I don't know." The next person I asked answered a little more intelligently by saying, "I just don't believe that we all came here without any divine help. I don't believe in the Big Bang theory, and believing in God fills in a lot of gaps for me." None of the people I spoke with fit this next category, but I believe that there is one last group of people who practice religion. These people practice it because they really believe in God, and many claim to be able to "feel" him. I am not saying any of these people are right or wrong, but I can say that none of them can prove there is a god. This belief is not empirically verifiable, nor is it testable. The first group who practice religion just because it is the socially expedient thing to do, do not worry about justifying whether or not there is a god. He just knows that he is expected to show up in church on Sunday. The second group who believes in religion over the Big Bang theory, or look to religion for answers that Science cannot answer yet aren't any closer. They see two possibilities for how we got here. There is the Big Bang theory, or this God thing. They really don't believe in the Big Bang theory, so that must mean the other alternative, God, must be right. The last group that really believes in God has no proof either. They say, "I feel God with me!" How do they know that it is in fact God that they are feeling. Maybe their lunch didn't set well with them. They feel something, don't know exactly what it is, and come to assume that it is God. 2. This next example of an unscientific system is one that is no longer practiced, but it is a perfect example of the ignorance of humans and their willingness to embrace anything that will make them feel superior. Back in Mid evil times, people would burn women at the stake who had different ideas then the societal norm. They would call these women witches. How does one prove another a witch? In this time period, any woman found thinking differently from society, would be branded a witch and burned at the stake. By these standards how many woman today would be witches. I think far more then I can imagine. It is funny, almost comical trying to imagine the mindset of the people who did these things long ago. I can just see someone thinking, " Ok, so, she's not like me, she's not like everyone else....so, that must make her different. Ok, so if she's different from me, and I'm normal, what could she be. She must be a Witch!!!!" Once again there is no empirical evidence proving her a witch, and there is no way they could prove her a witch. Some tried to prove it by creating tests, like throwing the "witch" into a lake and if she doesn't try to swim she isn't a witch, and if she tries to swim to stay alive, she is a witch. It is downright hilarious. There is no real way to test if she is a witch. This was just societies very unscientific system of weeding out people who did not fit their norms. Logic Test 1. The most obvious unscientific theory that I can think of today, would be religion. Religion is possibly one of the biggest influences in our lives, and there is no scientific way to even prove that it exists. I asked a few friends of mine, who are religious, why they believe in a God. The first that I asked hemmed and hawed and when I finally had to threaten him to spit out an answer, he said, "I don't know." The next person I asked answered a little more intelligently by saying, "I just don't believe that we all came here without any divine help. I don't believe in the Big Bang theory,
Saturday, March 7, 2020
buy custom Effects of Urban Environment essay
buy custom Effects of Urban Environment essay In the United States alone violence at school is about a quarter of all the violence that has been reported. In the past years one could not picture that school violence will end up in shooting, rape, murder and robbery the way its turned out to be. Research that has been done indicated that children in urban centers tend to grow in rampant poverty and as a result many of them opt to engage in criminal actions in order to survive. High levels of poverty fosses youngsters to take part in drug incidence as well as abuse of alcohol and some of these behaviors are great influences of violence. This is the reason the incidences of teenage pregnancy and crimes are very rampant in this places (Benbenishty Astor, 2005). Urban environment is characterized with rampant poverty which greatly contributes to the violence that is being witnessed at school. Joblessness and irregular employment is the daily norm of urban environment. As a result many of these youngsters lie idle most of the time and that is the reason they opt to take part in anything that will eliminate the boredom within them. This is the condition that the urban children adapt to and the people they interact with become their role models. Because these children are modeled by people of this caliber they end up being like them. They learn to handle weapons and use them at a tender age another character of these children is that they are easily provoked therefore they lack the ability to solve simple issues because they have been taught to use weapons. These trends continue to take root in the urban children from poor neighborhood and for these reasons such students do not see any problem in taking part in violent activities at school. There tend to see no issue in carrying fire arms to school because that is the only way that they know best in expressing themselves or making their points known to others. To urban children in poor areas crime is the only way of life that such children have ever known. Assessment of the family income of children that take part in violent actions at school has been estimated to be less than $7,500 per annum. Research has indicated that urban environment causes some risk factors to its dwellers. Some of the risk factors that were identified include individual risks, school risks, community risks as well as family risks (Schier, 2008). Risks that are considered individual includes aggressiveness of a person, delinquent friends, lower intelligence, abuse of substance, poor parental monitoring as well as absence of expectations by parents. Other times parents to these children maybe drug traffickers and these results in neglect and abuse of the child. Some of the risk factors that fall under the community include availability of drugs, broken families, drugs and weapons, economic deprivation as well as many transient populations. School risks may include academic failure, early delinquent character, gang involvement as well as lack of commitment at school. Therefore a productive rescue mission is the one that should involve community service, students, teachers as well as parents. Its also important to develop an evaluation system that is able to assess the happenings at our schools. On the other hand a proper communication system is necessary for efficient monitoring. In the United States violent behavior in school going children is on an increase thogh the research that has been done on the overall indicates that school crime have significantly reduced. Statistics that were done by the criminal department indicated a rise in school violent incidence from seventy one to eighty one percent in the past ten years. The results that were obtained also indicated an increase in the number of students who admitted that there were gangs at their schools. The presence of gangs at school and in the society greatly contributes in the number of violent incidents that are happening at the learning institutions. Violence at schools is not only limited to students because teachers have admitted that they have been threatened at least twice in every month with violence within the school premises (Schier, 2008). About two percent of all American teachers have been victims of school violence. On addition to that a good number of deaths have been reported at elementary schools as well as secondary schools as a result of violence. One of the points that the justice office has put forth is that most of this students do not naturally have criminal minds and for this reason this happens because of their surroundings. Some California professor commended that children of our time are prone to being raised by a parent who is a drug addict, been arrested a number of times; a parent that is not responsible of his children. One of the major issues that todays children face is abandonment, poverty and messed up parents. This explains why the modern children have developed violent behavior. For these reasons its important for communities to realize that something needs to be done urgently. Besides that they should learn to respect the desires of other children who are not involved in violence and have not fallen victims of violence. There are children who only seek to find a better life therefore the community should provide an environment that is conducive for learning and development. Education research that has been done indicated that school violence emanates from possession of weapons, cyber abuse, media violence, personal alienation, community and school environments as well as family environments. Between 1980 and 1990 more teens were reported to be accessible to fire arms and that is the reason there were more shots in school at that time. In a few years back about hundred students died violently at school and seventy percent of those deaths were fire arms incidents (Miller, 2008). Recent report that was published by the National youth Violence Prevention centre indicated that the number of teens who carry fire arms at school has significantly reduced. For this reason the harm at school has also reduced. The interviews that were done by this group indicated that 42% of all the students that were interviewed were assessable to guns, 17% have taken firearms to school with them whereas 28% have handled a gun without the consent of a grown up. Children reportedly access guns because about 35% of all United States families with teenagers have a minimum of one gun. Its therefore clear that about eleven million children come from families that possess firearms. A study that was done in 2007 indicated that children are able to illegal purchase guns. Therefore the American show rooms have become centers for illegal activities because they are busy selling guns to the wrong people. For these reason a bill has been passed to prohibit mentally ill patients, criminals as well as minors from accesssing firearms. Children tend to learn more from what they see than what they are taught and that is the reason why children that watch violent cartoon as well as real violent are prone to becoming more violent. Researchers have concluded that verbally aggression behavior as well as violence is on the increase due to media exposure. Youths develop violent emotions as well as thoughts from the videos and films that they keep watching (Miller, 2008). Cyber abuse is another factor that has led to school violence. Internet, messaging, e-mails have continually contributed to character erosion in school going children. Famous video games contain some forms of violence and this is one of famous practice among the students. Psychologists through research has concluded that children that spend most of their times watching video game tend to develop hostile personalities. For instance such children do not believe in forgiving because they know violence is the way forward. Messaging done through the cell phones as well as emails have provides grounds for initiation for more violence. Cyber bullying has become a common thing among the adolescents. In this case the adolescents threaten; taunt their peers through the usage of the media. The public health sectors have been able to single out a few cases as the cause of school violence and among them are issues like race, income levels as well as ethnicity. Some of the anti-social behaviors that may contribute to aggression include heavy drinking and smoking as well as suicidal attitude. This information is of great importance to the public health sectors since they are able to assess the health risks of young people. Family relationships as well as the type of friends a teenager associate with can also greatly influence their behavior. In brief the environment around the youth for instance the community, school, peers, and families have the capabilities of exerting influence of the behavior and attitude of an adolescent (Watson Skinner, 2004). The overall research that has been conducted has confirmed a fifty percent surety of schools becoming a violent breeding zone. This is in exemption of all other factors that have been singled to contribute to violence at school. Though, few teenagers are likely to join gangs its evident that there are gangs at schools. Discipline erosion is rampant in schools with high population. The likelihood of a big school having indiscipline is very higher than in small schools. Statistics have revealed that schools with a population of over a thousand students report high cases of indiscipline as opposed to schools with a population of less than a thousand students. The students who are likely to be affected by school violence are middle school students. The students who are more likely to avoid school because of bullying are eighth grade students. About 22% of all urban students between twelve and eleven years know someone of their age that belongs to a gang. A good example of such a scenario is a seventh grade boy who is attacked by a fellow seventh grade student. Research shows that there is high rate of violence at this age because the children at that age are at a tough adolescent stage. Another reason for this trend is that young teenagers do not have enough knowledge of social behavior and they are therefore hypertensive. The fact that these children interact for the first time their different backgrounds brings many issues (Watson Skinner, 2004). Buy custom Effects of Urban Environment essay
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Essay
Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice - Essay Example These guidelines were designed to provide transportation agencies and Road Safety Audit teams with a enhanced understanding of the safety of bicycle cyclists in the context of the cycling environment. These guidelines were also planned to nurture a secure environment for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians while using the road. The Bicycle safety Guidelines are cyclist specific guides that present road users personnel with safety elements they should consider when using the road. Even though the writers have exhausted every resource to be comprehensive as they could, people using these guidelines should keep in mind that conditions fluctuate from place to place and extra precautions should be learned that may not be handled in this documented. Not every recommendation in these guidelines is applicable in each situation. Transport in NSW will work with key stakeholders such as Bicycle NSW, the Amy Gillett Foundation, and Cycling NSW on the development of policies and programs that will be accepted within the cycling community. At the same time, Transport in NSW will work with other road user groups to ensure broader acceptance across the wider community. The NSW Government will work with Local Councils to ensure the road environment where cycling occurs is designed and managed using a safer systems approach. This article was based on bicycle crash statistics; which provide trends and an overview of the need to provide more cyclist friendly environment on the highway and streets. Moreover a comprehensive qualitative research was done to identify the major problems that contribute to laxity in bicycle safety. A random sampling study was done where 4,388 families comprising 11,753 people were arbitrarily picked out. The study brought out that a major contributor to bicycle accidents were from hits by motorists. The survey discovered that either the bicyclist does not pick up the oncoming
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Overview of Paternalism Law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Overview of Paternalism Law - Term Paper Example Several laws and regulations have been enacted that encourage paternalism by the government such as requiring a motorcyclist to wear helmets. These actions by the government have been opposed by several utilitarian thinkers like John Stuart Mill. He is opposed to the actions that led to paternalism by the government based on his autonomy-based argument. Paternalism exists in the form of restrictions or requirements imposed on people to perform in order for the common good to be maintained. In his topic on liberty, Mill argues that the government encourages cyclists to wear helmets to promote a good (Skorupski, 34). The protection of the person from injury is a good that cannot be ignored and it is not that the cyclist does not value his life, but this legislation goes against another good. In relation to the arguments brought forward by Mill, it is reasonable to conclude that Mill supports government actions. The question of self-protection as the basis for justifying paternalism is questionable since an individual is the most qualified person to judge himself/herself. As a result, it true to conclude that an individual is the most interested person in his own well being. ...This is in reference to the fact that Mill argues that no amount of restraint or compulsion by others can stop adults from pursuing their interests. However, in some instances, government interventions do not only restrict a person’s liberty but encourage alternative solutions (Blokland, 78). In relation to paternalism, a person should be an independent and autonomous agent with the ability to choose his freedom. A utilitarian argument passed on by Mill is that of that there comes a time when a person has the discretion of his/her individuality being absolute. However, there are two strains of Mill’s argument with one based on straight forward utilitarian while the other relies, not on the good brought by the free choice but on the supreme value of the choice.Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
Should Young Offenders Be Tried as Adults?
Should Young Offenders Be Tried as Adults? Before Victorian times there were no age district for young offenders and all who got in trouble with the law were send to adult prisons. In our days crime is everywhere, children and young people making crimes starting from drugs and gangs all the way to murder. Young offenders committing more and more crimes these days. For most children and young people, getting into trouble is part of the normal business of growing up, testing the boundaries and finding ones place in the world. There are many reasons why children and young persons start committing crimes: violence at home, money problems, bored dome, learning problems, poor housing, availability of alcohol and drugs, friends influence, low grades at school and etc. Should children and young offenders be treated differently from adults? Social reformers campaigned to protect children from danger and exploitation. One of their key demands was that children should be removed from the adult prison system and placed in privately managed institutions. Mary Carpenter, who argued that three types of institutions were required, free schools for the deprived, industrial schools for young vagrants and beggars, and reformatories for convicted youngsters. (Rutheford, 1986) In England and Wales no child may be guilty of a criminal offence below the age of ten. Between the ages of ten and eighteen, young offenders are dealt with in what is now referred to the youth court, distinguishable in style and approach from the adult magistrates courts, which together with the Crown court, deal with offenders aged 18 or above. (Newburn, 2007) Children who are under ten years old are not responsible and cannot be held for their crimes, they are too young of understanding of consequences of their actions, however in our society today we hear more children under age of ten committing very serious crimes which they should not be doing. For example The Young brothers who subjected two other boys to a 90-minute attack involving torture and sexual humiliation the pair were jailed in January this year to serve at least five years. The media covered the case extensively. The presiding Judge had set a minimum detention period of five years, because the risk the defendants posed to the public and their lack of apparent remorse meant that they were likely to be locked away for considerably longer. (www.guardian.co.uk )The sentences handed to the two brothers who subjected a pair of boys to an attack involving prolonged sadistic violence and sexual humiliation, were appropriate and will not be referred to the court of appeal, according to the statement issued by attorney general Lady Scotland. The trial judge, Mr Justice Keith, jailed the brothers, for a minimum of five years, but the sentences were indeterminate, meaning they ca n only be released if the authorities believe they pose no threat to society. It is important to note that in this case the child protection services had failed the public. If the department had taken action against the perpetrators and made thorough investigation as the boys had a long record of violent attacks against other children and adults, this would have been prevented. Youth between age 14 17 are fully responsible for crimes they commit, but they are treated differently from adults, on the other hand if young offenders are able to commit adult crimes why they should be treated differently? Newburn points out many of the social reformers in the nineteenth century who campaigned to protect children from danger and exploitation demanded that they should be removed from the adult prison system and placed in state funded institutions. (Newburn, 2007) Children Act 1908 barred under 14s from prison and restricted the imprisonment of 14 -15 years old. Young people with experience of custody are likely to be the most at risk of reoffending. This is because they are often the most detached from education, training and employment, and are more likely to misuse drugs and alcohol and have mental health issues, which are all know risk factors (Martin Stephenson, 2007). If young offenders will be treated the same way as adults it is more likely they will commit crimes again, because they will be released from adults prison and will have different point of view then realising from juvenile prison or custody. Bob Holman points out that the move to lock up young people reflected a trend amongst adult offenders. Between December 1992 and December 1993, the proportion of offenders jailed by Crown courts rose from 40 per cent to 52 per cent, with the prison population reaching a record nearly 50,000. Custody must have a place in any justice system. Some people are so violent, so criminal, that their liberty must be removed in order to protect others. (Holman, 1995) The Crime and disorder Act 1998 made really big changes the way England and Wales courts are dealing with young offenders. Under principle, children aged 10 to 13 were presumed to be incapable of criminal intent unless this intent was proved beyond reasonable doubt. Since the 1998 Act there is no longer any legal requirement for the criminal courts to take formal account of a childs age when assessing their culpability. (Hayden, 2007) The population of young people housed in prisons and other secure accommodation is exceedingly needy. Almost one third of young offenders in custody have mental health problems and over half have borderline learning difficulties. The result is that children in custody typically have literacy and numeracy ages some four to five years below their chronological ages. One third was reporting that they take drugs not get high, but just to feel normal (Newburn, 2007) . The British Survey find out that 12 month before entering prison 13 per cent of male young offenders on remand and 11 per cent of those sentenced to custody has received help or treatment for a mental or emotional problem. (Newburn, 2007) In conclusion children and adolescents havent been always treated all that differently from adults. Adolescent is the period in which young people appear to engage in anti social activities including crime. For the majority there is a marked fall in criminal behaviour during early adult life, though a minority continues to persist in their offending carrees. In many ways, therefore, in relation to controlling crime, the aim has been the management of this problem population. For the whole of the last century and into this, children and young offenders have also been seen as a group necessitating an approach different from that employed with adults. (Newburn, 2007) Bibliography www.homeoffice.gov.uk www.guardian.co.uk Hayden, C. (2007). Children in trouble. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Holman, B. (1995). Children Crime. Lion Publishing plc Martin Stephenson, H. G. (2007). Effective Practise in Youth Justice. Canada: Willan Publishing Newburn, T. (2007). Criminology. Canada: Willan Publishing Rutheford, A. (1986). Growing out of crime: Society and Young people in trouble. Penguin
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Islamic Art Essay
To start this topic, the first question that arises in the mind is that what is art? Basically art is not a word, which has a specific definition, but in literal meanings art can be defined as a spiritual sense of a human being, which he or she notes down in an artistic way. Art refers to creativity. Creativity is something very similar to art. The human mind is a congregation of many ideas. These ideas when get note down beautifully on a piece of paper, it is called an art. An artwork is usually considered as a masterpiece when its concept reaches the mind of the people and it is considered as an appreciable piece of work among the people. Masterpieces of art are just not paintings but spray painting, wall painting and other forms of art created for buildings are much appreciable. Islam is not only a religion but it is a way to lead a happy life. Islamic culture and traditions express its importance in the life of a person. Islam has always supported everything either it is of any field. Today the topic is about arts in Islamic religion so an outlook on the past Mughal and Muslim rulers will serve the arts in Islam as a great commodity. Islamic art is not only features which have been introduced to make beautiful mosques or tombs but in fact in true and literal meanings Islamic art is a beautiful creativity which is in every country conquered by Muslims in past centuries. Muslim art has been one of the wonderful one in the world. Islam is not only a religion but it is a pattern of life. It is a beautiful way of life through which every new aspect of creativity has been launched. The reason of Muslim art is not only extension in this field but to introduce new designs throughout the world and improve skills, which have been unknown since centuries. The newly conquered lands by the Muslims have many things old created by the Muslim rulers of past centuries. However, the architectures working there are now working according to the Muslim motifs and strategy. It has been a fact in almost every era that Muslims have succeeded in every field of creativity and this can be seen in Agra. Taj Mahal is considered as one of the most beautiful monuments of the Sub continent. Taj Mahal was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beautiful wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is still recognized as one of the most beautiful monuments of the Sub continent. The grave of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan lies inside the Taj Mahal and the beautiful calligraphy and textile designing on the beautiful bluish tiles can be seen from inside. But something really drastic happened with the laborers who built Taj Mahal. According to resources some 22,000 laborers built it and after its completion the laborers lost their hands as Shah Jahan said that no body could be able to build such a beautiful monument. This incident rocked the world but still now the laborers are not valued for their creativity but Shah Jahan is praised for laying the base of such a beautiful monument. â€Å"In the time of Muhammad the Arabs had little or no art of their own, but, in their conquest of Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Iran they adopted the highly developed art of these countries. It is known from literary sources that the caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty (661-749) requisitioned materials and craftsmen from all the provinces for the construction of new cities, palaces, and mosques. Byzantine and Syrian masochists were employed to decorate the mosque at Damascus, for which an Iranian was the chief architect. Artists from Egypt worked in Jerusalem, Damascus, and Mecca. †(Dimand, 1947) It is a fact that Muslims in the beginning had no art of their own but soon as they started conquering other Muslim countries, they started introducing various forms of art and cultures adapted from other civilizations. Islamic art is basically an old art form, which started ruling the territories since seventh century. It reached the minds and eyes of people when Muslim rulers of past started preaching of their wonderful ideas. The fields in Muslim arts contain ceramic painting, calligraphy, painting and architecture. There is a sort of unity among the Islamic arts and artists. The merchants, traders who buy the antique pieces created by Muslim artists of high quality have much more understanding with the consumers than any other buyer or sellers around the world. Moreover, the art of ornaments among Muslim craftsmen is an art of great common sense and attention or concentration. Today, Muslim ornaments of past and present are valued most among the people. Muslim jewellery is much more appreciable than that of any other country. The most important feature in the classification of the Muslim art is architecture. Because of pious mosques and imambargah’s the Muslim architectures have to work very hard on the designs and decoration motifs of the mosques they are building. Muslims have many beautiful mosques and religious and visiting monuments on their credit such as the Great Mosque of Cordoba, Dome of the Rock mosque and the Taj Mahal. Apart all of that the religious places, such as Kahan-e-Kaaba and the Shrine of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A. S, whose dome is made of gold). Besides architecture another important and most valued feature in Islamic art is of calligraphy. Calligraphy plays an important role in the history of Islam. Islam values calligraphy both piously and artistically. Artistically Muslim calligraphy is of high quality and piously it is used for writing the phrases of Quranic. Quranic verses when written through calligraphic wittings look more beautiful than ever. Besides all of these creations Islamic artists or craftsmen have been master in metal work and pottery making. The sand of nearly all-Muslim countries is very fertile being close to rivers and seas so pottery work is very courageous here and appreciated too. Metal making, carpet weaving and ceramic work are also very common features in all of the Muslim countries especially in villages that is the reason why Muslim art is so much demanded in all of the foreign countries. â€Å"Islamic Art is an illustrated history that takes a broad approach, covering architecture, crafts, and aesthetics as well as â€Å"art†in the narrow sense, and placing them within their social and historical context. It extends to around 1700, but does not cover the entire Islamic world, only the arid area from Morocco to Afghanistan. Mosques are central to Islamic architecture, but have by no means been static. â€Å"Minarets may now be seen as entirely characteristic of Muslim religious architecture, but the very first mosques had none. †Patronage was critical, and rulers often reworked earlier buildings, making major monuments â€Å"architectural palimpsests. †(Irwin, 1997) Islamic art has always been a way to enhance the skills of workers and people who work for the betterment of Islamic society. Islam is not just a religion but it is a patron to lead a happy life. Even today many visitors from foreign countries and people interested in arts and crafts come to see the creativity or Muslim artists, who work according to the Islamic principles and bring out the designs of those Mughal Muslim rulers who have been now hidden under some old rocks. It can be said like that â€Å"Removing the sand from old rocks†. Conclusion Muslim art has been defined clearly. Research clearly shows that Muslim art is one of the most demanded and old forms of art in the world. Muslims has been working in this field since 7th century. However, when Muslims started conquering other states, they introduced new forms of art and craft there and now they are conquering the peaks of this creativity. Muslims and Islam has always guided people throughout their life in every field. Islam gives us better knowledge to lend a wise and proper life. Islam has given a perspective to us. Today if Muslims are reaching high in this creative field then it is just because of the principles of our prophets and the guidance of Islam. Following of Islamic principles can lend to live a better and happy life and through this one can be able to touch those peaks, which sometimes remained in just imaginations. References M. S. Dimand, (1947), A Handbook of Muhammadan Art, Hartsdale House. New York Robert Irwin. Irwin Islamic Art: Art, Architecture and the Literary World. Laurence King 1997.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Mt everst
Have you ever thought about climbing Mt. Everest? Well, Sir Edman Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first people who did. The simarities and differances of â€Å"View from the Summit†by Sir Edman Hillary and the â€Å"The Dream comes True†by Tenzing Norgay are similiar about the events to the top of Mt. Everest, but they're also different in their backgrounds and emotions. They are similiar because they both made it to the top of Everest at 1 1 :30 am. A example is Hillary said, â€Å"At 1 1 :30 am May 29th they reached the top. †Tenzing also said the same thing. They're also similiar because they both had flags at the top of the summit.A example would be Hillary took a picture of Tenzing with the flags at the top. Another example is Tenzing held the United Nation flag the highest under British, Nepals, and Indians below his picture. Finially, they're similiar in the hard challenge they took on before the summit. A example is that Hillary said, â€Å"The ic e cornice would be a challenge. †A second example would be Tenzing said, â€Å"The last chalenge was a struggle. †The two stories are different in their backgrounds. Examples of this is Hillary was a famous climber from Britain while, Norgay was a local guide from Nepal. They were also different in their styles of writing.Hillary wrote more about facts. Fro example 1 5-27'C. Thenzings has more emotional opinions. Finally, they were also different on how they performed the prestiage of Everest. A example is Hillary said, â€Å"l didn't need Tenzings help. †Although, Tenzing said â€Å"Hillary did need my help. †Those are only Just a few similarities they had in their climb to the top of Mt. Everest. They're similiar in the time they reched the top, the flags, and the challenge before the summit. They're different in their backgrounds, styles of writing, and how they performed. Do you still think you would want to climb Mt. Everest or not?
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Argumentative Essay On Teen Pregnancy - 846 Words
Teen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is a major concern in our society, but does it benefit or hinder our teen parents? The U.S teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations, additionally, a total of over 229,000 babies were born to women aged 15-19 years in 2015 for a rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group (CDC, 2017). While becoming a parent is a wonderful experience and a blessing, teen pregnancy should be prevented because the health behaviors associated with teen pregnancy are hazardous to good health, increases the parent’s school dropout rate, and causes substantial social and economic costs through impacts on teen parents and their children. Health Behaviors and Impacts First, teen†¦show more content†¦Initiatives to ensure our teenagers in our communities receive this type of education is crucial in the prevention of teen pregnancies and health complications. Additionally, as parents and educators, we must acknowledge that positive communication is extremely important in protecting teens from engaging in all of the risk factors mentioned earlier and research has shown that teens who have open communication with their parents delay sexual activity. Communication about peer pressure, community culture, and family dynamics will make teens aware of the added risks. They need to know that there are factors which increase the likelihood of teen pregnancy like living in a single parent household, having friends who are sexually active, dating at an early age, lack of accurate sexual and reproductive health information. Social and Economic Cost Additionally, teen pregnancies increase the parent’s school dropout rate causing lower educational attainment and earnings (Diaz Fiel, 2016). It causes substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children. The cost and time consumed with being a teenage parent forces them to sacrifice investments in their own education and training. Consequently, this hinders employment opportunities making it harder to earn a decent amount of money or complete a high school diploma let alone a college degree. 30% of all teenage girls who drop out of school mention pregnancyShow MoreRelatedThe Case For Rights Education1665 Words  | 7 PagesExperimental Writing, and Metamodern Studies. Using this article on an argumentative essay will be achieved by using it as a supporting source on the consequences of a young adult not attending sex education courses. â€Å"American Teens’ Sources of Sexual Health Education. Guttmatcher Institue, Apr. 2016, www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/facts-american-teens-sources-information-about-sex. Accessed 21 Nov. 2016. 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