. Which Documented Essay Topic Is Best Organized By Placing Details In Chronological Order?
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How Music Effects People - 1583 Words
Music does have an Effect on Peoples Moods, Emotions Actions Music has an exceptional way of transcending feelings, emotions, and information across the world. It is a beautiful, yet powerful force is composed of feeling, abundance, and raw emotion and influences our way of dress, our dialect and even our own moral fiber. It can be as simple as the beat created by walking on the planks of a deck, or as intricate as a twelve part symphony. This thesis will examine how music as a whole, effects peoples mind, body, actions, moods and emotions. As music is also an amazing persuasive device, this examination also answers three main underlining questions; does drug use with youth and music have a connection? What are some reason people act†¦show more content†¦When rock music had violent lyrics the people that was used for research there attitudes and emotions were different then prior to listening to the song. All of them were more aggressive towards political issues and towards there spouses, but necessarily in a negative way, but more aggression in speech and in there attitude in how they approached situations that involved emotional reaction (Anderson 121). As for the rap, genre people that were tested for this had varied emotional differences. 29% seemed more aggressive, 15% had no change, 11% felt more comfortable, 41% felt like it was a story telling session, and the other 4% and no data reported. Can tempo and the change of beats in music change mood mediation? Beats and timing is the basis of music. A little tap on wood is music. Anything rhythmic that changes emotion and moods is what is being researched here. A fast paced rock or ska song makes people (in study shown here by William Balch) want to get up and dance, but when it comes to a love Ballard by Luther Vandros or Barry White, a feeling of warmth and longing for your significant other becomes evident. When asked of what colors can be used to see how they feel when listening to those two genre types, orange and red was used for rock and ska, blue was mostly used for the love Ballard. Tempo and beats is what causes people to bounce there heads or to feel warmth within, causing energy levels toShow MoreRelatedEffectiveness of Music Therapy Essay1564 Words  | 7 PagesMusic is composed of sounds intertwined with melody and rhythm that can have powerful effects on a person. It can help people focus on tasks or c alm the mind. Research has shown that music has beneficial effects on the mind, body, and health of a person. 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